Level1News: Em Drive: "Em"possible? -- 11/14/2016 | Level One Techs

I'm surprised you follow the youtube comments! Yikes!!

But that being said, I can understand the 20:1 ratio! The people who watch this show (in India) and have the time and resource to get back with comments are usually the ones who are not bothered by unavailability of cash, or certain denominations. These are the people who have credit cards, bitcoins etc., and that's fine. What bothers me is when people get so self-obsessed that they cannot see beyond themselves! The inconvenience is tolerable to a upper-middle class people who may find that they could not buy a pack of cigarettes because the vendor won't take a credit card and (s)he did not have the right bills, but it is a lot worse for day labourers who get paid in used bills, and after a day of backbreaking manual labour has to worry about whether they have the right bills to put food on the plate for their children.

And the whole corruption argument is ridiculous! What is this, 1920s? I doubt we have any of those old school villains left who wear hats and escape with briefcases full of black money! Digitising money makes no difference to these fat cats. Where it could make an impact, other than crippling the various resistance movements, is drug dealers. Since India currently has religious right wing government that is sanctimonious about drugs and alcohol, they might be trying to cripple the drug trades. But again... street dealers will be happy take small denominations, if you are addicted you will put together the amount one way or the other, and as for the cartels and drug mafia, I really doubt they give a rat's ass about this! You can create some inconveniences, sure, but if drugs could be stopped this way, then the US would have been drug-free a long time back! I am highly skeptical about drug wars...

But to get back to the point, the people who are being affected are at a level of poverty where computers and internet are not even on their horizon. And the fact that their lives are treated as expendable is what is really worrisome. This is like living in Ayn Rand land! You can see this troublesome trend in both US and India in these young, college-educated population who think that everything is justified as long as their personal privileges are untouched, who don't care about the implications behind their conveniences, and consider "civil rights" and "social justice" dirty words! Hell, I know two PhD students at the University of Auckland, both on fullbright, who think climate change is a liberal hoax... and they are explicit about "thinking so", not "believing so", because they think admitting otherwise will cripple a lot of things they love -- hummers, private jets, big yachts, hunting etc.

People talk a lot about 1984, but to me things are beginning to look more like the Brave New World! We have made a lot of technical progress, but we have not really learned a lot of lessons! The combination is terrifying!


I don't disagree with anything you have said. Except the claim that this is a series of steps against corruption. Every society has problems, and those problems have multiple solutions. Often the easier solutions are not preferred because they have multiple negative implications. When a government headed by a man who is one of the most corrupt people on the planet claim that the predictable negative consequences of his actions are acceptable because it will reduce corruption, then you have to ask, "Whose corruption?".

You cannot allow the government to dictate morality. It can, and does, dictate legality of things. But legality does not entail rightness, or even justice. If its wrong for some doctors to store cash payments without declaring it (and it is wrong, because it takes away from the public fund), then by the same logic it is wrong for the government to take away denominations from everyone without ensuring everyone, and not just some, has alternatives that have been made available to them.

And we are in no position to declare that the inconveniences are acceptable. Because we are not being inconvenienced at any noticeable level. Those who are going hungry, and those who cannot debate the philosophical implications of these acts online, are the ones who must approve the act. There is an old anarchist saying that any structure of authority must be justifiable in terms of, and to, those over whom its authority is exercised. If such a justification is not found, then they have the right to dissent. Since the government could not provide alternatives to the poor, they must bear responsibility of that outcome. It is a predictable outcome, and you are responsible for the predictable outcomes of your actions.

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Blues in Em...

Ah IoT fail in Finland, here in Sweden a similar very serious vulnability was finally admitted last month. It is an ongoing train wreck that never stops.


Kabona AB WDC Vulnerabilities
Original release date: October 13, 2016


Martin Jartelius and John Stock of Outpost 24 have identified vulnerabilities in Kabona AB’s WebDatorCentral (WDC) application. Kabona AB has produced an update to mitigate these vulnerabilities. Martin Jartelius has tested the update to validate that it resolves the vulnerabilities.

These vulnerabilities could be exploited remotely.

The following WebDatorCentral versions are affected:

All WDC versions prior to Version 3.4.0

More nodes in the internet-wrecking botnet, MORE SKULLS FOR THE TRONE OF KHORNE.

and you act as if the courts can't be just as corrupt as the as the government agencies. it is going fine for me because i take personal responsibility to vet and think logically about news i consume rather than sitting back shouting 'someone needs to do something'. America is a mess, no one questions that, but so is the rest of the world. This crazy nationalism that erupts whenever we talk about the failings of another country is sad. I'm telling you any restriction to free speech is bad because I see it happening here and almost weekly we see 'crazy conspiracy theories' proven true that the powers that be would like nothing more than to squash with this kind of system.

ftfy ;) . Anyone observant will be able to notice that the entire international free market is in a (possibly same?) mess. Somehow, the notion of any kind of autocracy and/or national(ist) interests replacing the rampant corporatism has become easier to imagine to many than a notion of either capitalist or socialist democracy (active citizens in contact with their representatives) replacing the rampant corporatism. "Somebody do something" is a dangerous mantra. Because someone will do something, and we may not like it, and then we'll just keep asking for someone else to do something else. What today appears as lazy-minded social networks narcissism used to be lazy-minded tax-payers narcissism. Before that, other lazy-minded-but-very-entitled things.

It is sad we should keep asking the question "How is ... going for you in ...". The answer is of course - same as for everyone else. Many people are troubled, scared about their future, and too exhausted to take positive action. As if unable to bother going through the inconvenience of rising beyond what is on offer, while both demanding, learning, and teaching how to participate in their own day-to-day interests every day. How about we do something a little different here?

What kind of citizen action is sufficient (non-partisan) to prevent a cashless society from emerging if a government pushes towards achieving it?

I don't buy any kind of legislation against illegal currency. Hundreds of billions are laundered a year with the banks being the profiteer. They are of course getting the currency back in flow; however they are also essentially buying it back for pennies on the dollar. There will be no legislation against such a thing because the numbers are as good as the currency for the big players. The legislation would change nothing but a small portion of the flow. It would only effect the small player's ability to be independent. It would do nothing but centralize the black market and organize crime.

A professor of Sociology did an interesting study:


It's probably over a trillion a year. It's trivial for a single bank to launder 100s of billions.

Top down movements against corruption don't tend to have measurable effects.

Sry if I'm being off topic but I'm usually a paranoid nonexistent lurker so I don't have any google accounts to comment on youtube. I also forgot what my username was on this forum from back in the days before the trumpmania and wars started so I created this account just to say that I really enjoy these news segments @wendell and your new people. I think you are somewhat fresh air compared to other people on youtube since you actually work in the field and are more than just media creators on youtube. I can relate to you on a level I can't with most others. To me it feels like you guys are having a nice conversation I could've had during lunch with my fellow developers. Really nice vibe and topics.

If you need some cool ideas for Linux videos btw I've got a few. Been a GNU/Linux user and open source developer for almost 5 years now.

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Yes please. Working on bringing Linux back from the dead also. One fire at a time lol

30:04 Dude, drop the ableism.

"learning disability" is not a synonym for "stupid".

People still need to learn the difference between fuel and propellant.

If, say, you have a chemical SRB rocket, then your fuel is also your propellant. But if you have a nuclear rocket or an ion-drive rocket, then your fuel (the stuff that generates power) is definitely not the same thing as your propellant (the stuff that gets thrown out to propel the rocket).

The EM Drive is hyped because it would be a reactionless thruster, not a fuel-less thruster.

NASA has tested and repeated the result with the EM drive. The paper is linked in the article.

Fancy having a proper read through?
