Level1News: Em Drive: "Em"possible? -- 11/14/2016 | Level One Techs

00:30 Level 1 Store has launched
00:42 Corrections from last week
02:03 India bans high denomination currency bills
05:19 Facebook abandons race-targeted ads
07:55 Pwnfest hacks (Google)
10:35 Pwnfest hacks (Apple)
11:42 Pwnfest hacks (Microsoft)
13:01 FBI hacks all TorMail users in 2013
16:22 Philips Hue smart bulbs hacked via drone
17:35 Finland apartment buildings heat turned off by IoT DDOS
20:00 Russian banks DDOS
23:05 Chips in primate brains allow them to walk again
25:52 US military zapping soldier's brains to keep them alert
28:25 Navy super projectile too expensive to use
30:15 EM drive paper leaked (not really)
33:54 New theory on gravity/dark matter (We're probably living in a simulation)
37:37 CBC doesn't understand RSS
40:00 Dishonored 2 launch had some problems
41:08 Nintendo NES classic sells out


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://level1techs.com/video/level1news-em-drive-empossible-11142016

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Is Mirai not pronounced Me-rye, it's the Japanese word for future right?

Not sure if this is a proper thread but i'd like to take the time to repost my youtube comment here since youtube comments are the worst. --

I'd love to see a stretch goal where you do one project a month building something using linux. Literally anything. Even if it ends up being given away to a patreon supporter through some sort of drawing. That would be great. Maybe even just something silly like a homemade drone or some jerry rigged version of DJ Roomba, but without the apple products. :) Maybe a video talking about the materials and software needed, and then showing how it's built, kind of a rough how-to and then what different sorts of things can be achieved with it, applications that maybe you would have liked to try but wouldnt have been realistic.

Damnit. Its time for bed and you post this!?


Regarding heating units being controlled over the internet: There is another factor. I work at walmart where we use this for a very simple reason. When a customer complains about the temperature we can tell them we can't change it. This makes our lives so much easier.

Correction: they are Rs 1000, and Rs 500, not 1000 and 5000.
As an indian, the first hand experience is not as grim as it is being pictured. In short term it is very inconvenient for working class, but many of us support this move.
Corruption in india is really bad. For example there are 28 states in india and the opposition leader in our state has Rs 1,000,000,000,000 in black money.
Now you can imagine the scale of corruption, its impact on the economy and how tired of it the common man is.


I seem to remember posting about this before, but SWIFT is not actually a network that handles transactions in the USA. It's an international telecom network that is exclusively for banks. Most financial transactions between banks in the USA are actually handled by the ACH, Automated Clearing House. The ACH is a rather antiquated system that rather limited and slow and is (over)due for an upgrade. If you have 20 min. and are interested in the antiquated technology still in use by the US banking system (COBOL and the physical exchange of magnetic tapes for example), Planet Money has an episode for you: http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2013/10/04/229224964/episode-489-the-invisible-plumbing-of-our-economy

I'm of the belief that blockchain technology could be used for interbank clearing. They could create their own blockchain leger to keep track of transactions and then set up their own network of computers to verify transactions (i.e. not directly connected to the Internet). Such a system has the potential to be much faster and has no single point of failure.

@wendell please call this show off the rails. That would be fantastic and I know I'm not the only one who's suggested it.

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@wendell about the Finnish heating systems and DDoS.
They were not the target. They were used in a DDoS attack.
The target was a central european server.

What we have here is catchy headlines and modern day journalism.
Which is more shocking?

  1. Botnet DDoS's a server. Said botnet just happens to contain poorly protected industrial and property automation systems which weren't designed to handle massive amounts of traffic and as a result fail under that kind of load
  2. Heating systems DDoS attacked in the midst of winter! Everyone's going to freeze their nuts off!


On top of that, it was just two (2) "housing associations" (taloyhtiö) or buildings that had their heating go down.

Here's what YLE (Yleisradio, Finnish Broadcasting Company, state-owned) said about the attacks
http://yle.fi/uutiset/3-9278497 (finnish article)

Also here's what the Viestintävirasto (Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority) has said
https://www.viestintavirasto.fi/kyberturvallisuus/tietoturvanyt/2016/11/ttn201611081338.html (finnish)

I think the EM drive was in the news again because the paper by NASA Eagleworks has apparently been accepted for publication in some peer reviewed journal.

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@Scoopta @wendell Please, believe me when i say that when one of you shouts It's off the rails the amount of fun hit's a sweetspot and makes all the news bareble (even the negative govermentt stuff)
keep going like this,
p,s, forgive me my spelling mistake i should be sleeping after this last nigt shift)

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Guys! Please add the links to the articles you discuss in the video descriptions!

I would like to add to this,
The untaxed cash transactions is estimated to be the size of around 20-30% of the current country's economy, when this money is brought to the system, it increases the revenue for the gov, this is as the right time because of the new central streamlined taxation system that will be introduced in Q2 2017. Currently we have a state taxation and central taxation, after the introduction of the new taxation system, there will be loss in revenue for the state gov, and the central gov plans to use this additional revenue to compensate the state gov.
In 2015-16, almost 600,000 counterfeit notes were detected in commercial banks of which almost 80% were in the Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 category, this will get rid of them overnight.There is lot of black money in cash mostly by the upper middle class, this also aims to eliminate that.
The general public mode is that the gov is doing their part and we need to do our part.

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One thing about the CBC story, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is publicly funded crown corporation. They get federal tax money every year and can be compared to the BBC or PBS. So that just makes this situation even worse.

Edit: The NES Classic has 30 games, not 50.
Edit2: Yes, I am 'that guy'

have not owned a single Nintendo console after the first game boy you know the big gray box. as much as i love some of the IP that they have i am not fan boy enough to put up with there crap.

EM drive how i wish it would be true and be workable. if i am not mistaken the theory is maximum speed of it is roughly 3/4 the speed of light.

and the internet of shit just has me ask why. why do we need a toaster on the internet. why dont we have blowfish encryption on our smart TV's. why dont we have encryption as a default on every thing connected to the web. :( need to kick some heads in and get changes made.

oops knew I forgot something

updated description also

Anyone know if it's possible to force audio into single channel?

I got about 5 mins in & the left right in my headphones got too much.


I kinda liked the "raw asmr" aspect lol but.. just goes to show you the audio part of my brain is broken


More likely my audio brain is fried, things like this seem to get to me for some reason :)

Pretty sure I would instantly lose my mind listening to asmr!