Level1 Techs Folding@Home Team

Mine is having the same problem.
After it finished the first gpu job, it never got a new one. Restarting the client haven’t improved things.

That is probably a good thing.
I’ll let it wait for a job to pop up. In the meantime the cpu can keep up the work :slight_smile:

Is it possible to see somewhere how many projects the cpu or gpu has worked on?

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Not really sure, the best info I know of is on the team stats page, the far right column. Looks like yours has done 14 WUs when the list was last updated.
Just search for your username, or scroll down to team rank #144.

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Well, now the gpu got a work server at least.
But the log says:
WARNING:WU00:FS01:Failed to get assignment from ‘’: No WUs available for this configuration.

It seems kinda weird to me that they could be “out” of work?
Or are they changing the jobs they are sending out, so there aren’t multiple systems doing the exact same calculations?
Some variation to what a work includes seems like something that might make sense?

Not sure what’s going on. I’m guessing that either

  1. a lot more processing power has recently become available (chinese mining farms temporarily doing F@H to help combat Covid-19 ?)
  2. they are having server issues or
  3. we found cures for almost everything

My money’s on #2


I get that occasionally, it just keeps retrying and eventually gets a WU.

As much as #3 would be nice, it seems like something that would be on the news.
#1 is somewhat unlikely. But you never know what the Chinese regime might tell mining farms to do.

Good to know :slight_smile:

Turns out it’s real close to #1. CoreWeave (a cloud computing company) apparently threw thousands of GPUs at F@H to help combat Covid-19. The F@H servers simply can’t keep up.

EDIT : GitHub is also donating 60K CPU core hours per day to F@H for the same purpose.
Not sure what that equates to, but simple math (60000 / 24) translates to 2500 CPU cores folding 24/7.

Well, no wonder their servers can’t keep up.
My gpu’s last attempt at getting a wu resulted in:
ERROR:WU00:FS01:Exception: 10001: Server responded: HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE
It’s like they’re gettin ddos’d by all the computing power being donated :slight_smile:

So actually did that, but didn’t work. The System Info Panel in FAHControl shows “Not detected: clGetDeviceIDs() returned -1” :frowning:

It took me a while but eventually I got a WU. However it was for cancer not coronavirus. Ain’t nobody got time for cancer at this moment!

I’m also getting No WUs available for this configuration when folding on CPU, so go figure :wink:

edit: well that’s new :rofl:

23:28:03:ERROR:WU00:FS00:Exception: 10001: Server responded: HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

It’s both for me.
Since I started friday, my pc has completed 29 wu. Some corona, some something else.
When I left for work, it had been sitting for +8 hours whithout getting any wu’s, for either cpu or gpu.
There’s so much power avaliable to them at the moment, that the researchers and/or their servers can’t keep up.

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Yea, I’m not getting new assignments either.

It sure looks that way.

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been waiting for new wu as well they are slow atm

I just got home from work, and my gpu is almost done with a wu.

It’s one of the corona projects, and besides saying what it is, all it says in the description is:

“Further description coming shortly once we’ve dealt with the workload of getting these projects out, thanks for your patience”

They’re playing catch up with the compute power.

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alot of the gaming companies like nvidia put out a call for people to put passive compute into this so i kinda attribute it to that

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Yeah, a lot of systems joined the cause because of that. Mine included.
Some of the youtube tech channels also put the word out, LTT and GN are the ones I’ve seen encourage it’s viewers.
Though I’ve also read that some cloud services/data companies have donated massive amounts of cpu/gpu hours.

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i have been waiting on a seti like so i dropped it here while i was not on a project

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Huh, my gpu got a new wu as soon as it finished the last one.