Level1 Space Engineers Server

Alright, so I have the server setup, but I need to allow external traffic through my router. I’m confused about this step. The instructions say:

b) Port forwarding: The game uses UDP protocol to communicate. The default listen port is 27016, but this can be changed in the config tool. In order for people to be able to reach your server, you will have to configure your router to forward all incoming UDP traffic on port 27016 (or any other that you have specified) to the computer where your dedicated server is running.

And my Ubiquity EdgeRouter has this:


Original port: 27016
Protocol: UDP
Forward-to Address: your server’s internal IP. (192.168.x.x)
Forward-to Port: 27016
Description: Spak Enginrrs bruv

Oh, and set your WAN interface!

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Thanks, my understanding of networking is embarrassingly poor.

It’s all good.

So basically, what you’re telling the router to do is listen on port 27016 and forward the connections to 192.168.x.x:27016

IDK if that helps you understand, but it’s a high-level explanation.

It does, thank you. :grinning:

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Beginning testing of the new server.

Pwd: wendell


Don’t have time at the moment to test (would have to install as well) but I might give it a go in a bit.

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Direct connect doesnt seem to recognize that IP, is there a server name you set as well?


Level1Techs Community is the server name

odd, nothing shows up, ill check my filter settings

Hmm, lemme see what I can do.


If this screenshot looks correct, then I’m not sure what’s wrong. I can follow some other tutorials, there’s more than one way of achieving the same results.

World name I think is what the browser searches with, so that might be why I couldnt find it, ill check

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ok so apparently the word you search for applies to both server and world names, I let the game load servers and there was only one server name starting with L

Bummer, ok then. I’ll do some digging and see what up with this.

Thanks for helping me test this, btw.

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no problemo, if this gets up and running it will be nice! although then theres the constant cleaning of the server thats needed lol, but we’ll come across that burning bridge when we get there

Did you open the ports on the windows firewall?

Also, what interface are you listening on?

I did. And I set it to Eth4, which is the cable running the server.

Where’d you set Eth4?

The router. In the same area as the port forwarding