Level1 News July 25 2017: Existential Crisis, Will Robinson | Level One Techs

Or go to a porn site that's outside of UK's jurisdiction. PornHub the most popular porn site is registered in Canada and owned by a company that's resides in Luxembourg so it will not be affected by this ID check.

Although UK is the 3rd biggest producer of porn in the world. So all 52 000 000 sites will have to get ID checks or move somewhere else. http://fightthenewdrug.org/porn-stats-which-country-hosts-most-porn/

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You don't. You fight the fire with extinguisher like Rambo.

About the HBO sending notices. I never got any notice or even met someone who would get such letter. I guess this is purely a USA thing. And isn't pirating GOT a second nature by now? I don't know of anyone who watches the show through legal means.

Paying monthly subscription just for one show is stupid. The second easiest way to watch GOT is to buy Blu-ray box set which is anything but cheap. 95£ for 6 seasons on amazon and 25£ for individual season when it's new. In store disks will cost even more.

So it's only natural to go to the high seas.

And who are you the proud lord said,
That I must bow so low.

Just a cat of different coat
is all the truth I know.

In coat of gold or coat of red
Lion still has claws

And mine are long and sharp my lord
As long and sharp as yours....

Since you said "most" sites I assumed that they already have a check in place if those are regular or pre-paid cards. They could just block pre-paid cards alltogether if that's the case.

you run into the same problem as end to end encryption messaging services. Block one and another pops ups

as far as china deleting images/videos , this has been possible for a long time. ive done it before to blur suspect porn from my kids.
use this guide to do this.

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So something like Google's accounts system - 2 factor authentication where it sends you a text message or whatever as an additional step of verification should not be used, correct? That's my understanding.

Since you already opened another topic on this, it's better to discuss it there to not split the topics :wink:

For others for reference:


I look forward to your response there

What's the "thing better than torrenting" that Ryan is alluding to at 44:30 ?

I can't wait for Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor.. this is going to be badass. She is fantastic and has kicked ass in Broadchurch, the butthurt entertains me.

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Usenet. And I know some people whine about 'it isn't free' and you probably need a good indexer, but totally worth it. You can get 50 non-expiring GB for $10 and probably better deals than that. Skip a few trips to Starbucks for the entire GoT season. You can also buy those GB with bitcoin and use a VPN for peace of mind.

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soo... it's like a new mega uploads but you pay for downloads by the gig?

found this... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usenet
Been around forever?

"Oh boy, let me tell you a story" intensifies :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes, it's exactly that. There are some shady areas on it though, and some "semi-legal" areas. And... eh, well, not sure if this is the right forum for this. But anyway, there's also /r/usenet

And no you don't necessarily pay by the GB, it depends on the access you get.

Alternatively you can get GOT legally for the same amount sooooooo, idk.

Also on a sidenote, usenet in itself is technically free, it's just the "binary usenet" where you need to pay certain providers that actually archive it.

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Yep, one of the first internet protocols. Meant to be used as a news server (newgroups), but you can attach files to those posts and the way it works is you post it to one server and it gets replicated. You pay your provider, who hosts a mirror of the same thing everyone else has. Unless you have very, very fast internet, they'll almost always allow you to download at your max speed.

The raw index can be intimidating but you have indexing sites that will let you download .nzb files which your client software can parse and download automatically.

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Don't see how this is better than torrents... but ok.

Thx for the info guys.

I have paid subscriptions to prime, hbo, and netflix but not a single one works on linux for me.... soooo....

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The anime eyes do indeed make it legal.

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The Czechs have something similar called uloz.to. People upload files and you can download them for free without needing any account. However you are limited to 300KB/s. When you create an account you can buy different packages that are worth certain number of GBs. For 17GBP you can buy 150GB. And then you can download multiple files at maximum speed of your line. You can pay by debit card, SMS text or Bitcoin.

I'm surprised it's lasted so long because it's very easy target. At one point they nearly got shut down because somebody uploaded kido porn, and there was a big circus around it.

But it's not very good if you need to download large files. 10GB+ because they are storing all the files it gets more expensive for them. If you downloaded 3 AAA games with 3 BD movies with high bit-rate you would run out of that 150GB credit very quickly.

idk, don't use it myself. I guess just the trust that the Usenet Provider isn't logging anything (which they totally could even when they say they don't, duh) is enoughz... idk, too lazy to read into it (actually did at some point but netflix was easier).

netflix worked for me on chrome (well... vivaldi) some time ago, but another provider I know has issues with chrome 58+ too.

Huh?!?!? I used to be with astraweb years ago, you'd get unlimited downloads (well ok, you were limited to 100Mbps). There used to be plenty of Usenet providers not counting bytes.

so this might be de-railing this thread a bit...

But how is usenet more shielded from corporate overlords and ISP snooping?