Level1: "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

Cool, this is the thing then. Old link went dead so figured the time was now. I like it, that is all for now.

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Good to see the dust has started to settle and you both got the pile of rubble you wanted. This looks like the best possible outcome for the community.

Good luck with everything.

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Great news, I'm looking forward to the new content. Been pining for it in fact. The videos Wendell and Ryan made have had trans-formative effect on my command of linux. Projects are a great way to learn and well, they used to be my weekend projects!

The outlook round here looks sunny :)

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Awesome start. Love the wittiness in the intro. Can't wait for more content!

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Awesome to see things moving forward, the team looks great!

Level1 is perfectly fine for a name, Wendell is at like Level9000

No matter how much computer info I try to absorb in my brain I always feel like I'm stuck at Level1, only with Wendell and co's help can we hope to level up.

I've always been a fan of darker interfaces, if other themes are available then hopefully we can choose one. I like the blue.

I just connected the dots @kreestuh you were on my minecraft server (im formerly rootz31820) This is awesome i should get the darn thing running and bug free


Yeah, @kreestuh this was the server i mentioned the other day.

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I will take the sky from you ... (in planetside 2)

anyways uhmm yeah ive got to find some time to do it. Mean while @kreestuh @wendell or anyone else if you have any suggestions for what you would like to see incorporated into this server (i will try to make it always run the latest and greatest minecraft) let me know in thread.


Great to see you back @wendall good to see things are finally moving forward for you for the greater good looking foward to seeing what the future brings you.

So happy for you @wendell and happy for me because now this guy has someplace to contribute again.

As for future content and ideas, this is not so much an idea as something I think you are uniquely good at.

Last year I really got into TechTube. You Guys, Luke & Linus, Jay & Jerry, Paul & Kyle, Joker & Bryan, Ryan & Allyn, etc. Then I figured out "Hey, they are all getting their news from the same websites. I can go to those websites myself and read the news days earlier." I don't watch much Tech Tube anymore, but I still watched your previous show religiously.

I am a pretty smart and well educated guy and at times I sound a little arrogant "Yeah, I knew about that 5 years ago. Teach me something I don't know." But it is not arrogance, I really want to learn (maybe it is a bit of boredom and irritability). I always learned something from your old weekly show. I especially liked the cross pollination of tech and politics. Write your Congressman, "This is a bad thing ™", "It's Tin Foil Hat Time ™." Your ISP is evil and they don't care who knows it, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant. ™"

That is your unique flavor, I don't know of any other channel that even does this, much less does it as well as you have been doing. Please continue to provide the community with a show where we can learn about the nutz and doltz of the people legislating our tech without too much getting into the minutia of Linux CLI and enterprise grade networking.

I so glad you are coming back and thanks for all the fish!

GZ on your new channel Wendell! The cool thing is all you have to do is be you and you'll do great.

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I would love a Half-Life 2 DM (or other free FPS that runs on Linux) server, while we're at it.

request a reset again. the system was backed up, should work properly now.

PM Me if you didnt get the pw reset thingie?

@wendell, @kreestuh, @....RyanTheLurker????

Really great introductory video! I thought it was very well done, and I think the news show was done really well too. I'm so happy to see this situation has come to a resolution, and everyone is able to move on!

Also, I have a lot of respect for you guys and gal for being open with patreon. I think full disclosure of how the money is spent is a really great thing to be doing, so kudos to you all on that. That's really great of you all.

I'm going to be contributing, though it unfortunately won't be much as I'm still in school and am BAF. At least I can be prime though! :)


Edit: On the subject of patreon, can you pay for a full year all at once, or do you have to have it deduct from your bank account once a month for a full year?

My bank account really doesn't like to stay occupied for a year :(

I remember when you had to restart games after you installed them for them to work properly. Pentium Chipset Master Race!

Ahhh memories...



I still do that even though I don't have to :-(

Old habits and what not....

I wasn't sure where to place this post on the forums and just wanted to say hello to everyone, So Hello!