Leaked Ryzen benchmarks, "comparable to Intel 6800k"

I allready have a X99 motherboard for my system upgrade.
I got it as a gift, so i want to use it.
Hopefully intel drops some prices yes.

Realized they were hella greed when i went monitor shopping and realized i was paying a 300$ premium for something that is practically free from AMDs side.

TBH I think it is going to be dependent on the workload. I think on average the 6800K will be faster for sure. You pay more though

So that's your trade off I suppose. You want slightly more speed for more money and more expensive motherboards or slightly less performance for less money and cheaper motherboards.

Oh welp. 6800K for you haha

Didn't see that

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I guess the real deciding factor for production type users is how much time they are sacrificing for their stuff. 10 seconds or less comparatively seems a great trade off for what ~$200?

How much do you value those few seconds

I don't know about that. I think the 1600x or whatever might be faster in single and multi threaded apps both.

I definitelly agree.
It will be highly depending on the workloads indeed.
But still if the 1600X would get arround 90% of the 6800K´s performance arround the board.
Then it would still be a great purchase, if leaked prices are true.
Of course those prices are probablly without taxes etc.
So its somewhat flawed.

Multi threaded maybe in certain cases but I don't think single core.

Especially not if AVX is involved...


At these prices AMD doesn't need to be faster.

Will just be curious how reviewers see it.

Imagining Linus/Jay being like
"Welp it's not as good as Intel and no THUNDERBOLT. Don't buy this shit. We know it's half the price but nah"

Well Thunderbolt can be boaght as an addin card.
intel offers third party controllers like their Alpine ridge chip as far as i know.

I don't think so with the add on card. Like usually it requires additional connectors besides just PCIE. IDK about Thunderbolt 3 though. It also doesn't use a controller exactly AFAIK at least on the computer side as it is nearly direct PCIE connection (partially why it's really insecure). Although it does need a separate controller for power and USB3 control I think Thunderbolt requires an Intel CPU AFAIK. Intel did develop it after all.

Linus was blabbing on and on about Ryzen not having Thunderbolt on the WAN once. Never mentioned the performance demo AMD just released but went on for 5 minutes about lack of Thunderbolt and saying it was no good because of that. Was like wut. No one uses Thunderbolt anyway

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Yeah i mean intel offers Alpine ridge controllers for Thunderbolt 3 support.
Mobo manufacturers that offer support for thunderbolt still implement third party controllers for that, like on certain X99 boards like the Asus Deluxe.
I never have really looked into thunderbolt all that much.
Because i dont use it.
But the Asus X99 Deluxe comes with a addin card for Thunderbolt.
And boards like X99 Designare EX have an alpine ridge chip.

I remember Linus going on about that. Kinda blew my mind because before then i hadnt heard about thunderbolt. I looked it up and i was like "so... what do people use this for" The answer is nothing yet. And until it starts becoming a popular i would never use it as a reason to not buy a mobo

No they offer them. Intel has a series of their own controllers. IDK if it is chipset based but it is an Intel controller that is used

But yeah TB is not really not a big selling point.

Yeah and it is doubtful that anyone will adopt it in large numbers. It's too expensive, the drivers are flaky, Intel doesn't approve a lot of products with it and no one really needs that much bandwidth outside of specialized use cases

Yeah those Alpine ridge controllers.
But would it be possible to use a Thunderbolt 3 addin card on a am4 board?

I don't think it would work.

Intel probably wouldn't let you. The PCiE configuration and PCH are different. Many add in cards require special cables that also connect to the motherboard and GPU as well which could also cause issues.

So yeah I don't think it'd work lol

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Good point.
Its of course a technology designed by intel.

Hmm maybe @wendell know this?
I have not really looked into all the Thunderbolt 3 stuff that much.

Oh look some "screenshots" from that chinese forum that are well known for it's fake screenshots. Beside all shots show different data. The one with the supposedly Ryzen bench is in English Windows? All the other in Chinese Windows?

Totally true, oh yeah.

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Maaaaaaaan. Why you gotta break balls?

We trying to dream here!

Sorry, it's late in the week and I'm grumpy. Do dream on. Remember that hope is the last thing that dies! ;-)

It's only like 11 days left until there will be real, third party benchmarks. It's way too long! The hype will destroy the known universe before that.

And Raevenlord seems to have already started drinking this Friday, as his hard and fast maths look weird.