Lan Syndicate: The Community, The Network, The Epic Weekend | Tek Syndicate

The Lan party was a great success, I hope I can join the next one. (gotta save a lot of money)

Wow, amazing!

Unfortunately I was unable to attend. Great coverage, though.

Some of the PCs and hardware was awesome. Especially that projector; genius. Not to mention the beers; they all looked delicious. Nice that you were able to raise money for charity too.


  • Maybe have a few WAN servers too, so that members of the community who are unable to attend may at least be there in spirit.

  • @DeusQain, that spotlight of yours with the RTW logo would have been cool.

Game Suggestions:

  • Worms Armageddon

  • Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Props to the sponsors.

Bravo to the whole Tek Syndicate team (@DeusQain, @Gearheadgirl27, @Logan, @Pistol, @Wendell (sorry if I missed anyone behind the scenes)), and community for making this happen.


Next place should be Arizona.... LAN-izona?

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I've seen PC parts & peripherals retailer mwave at a couple of events. If you planned on coming down this way, I'm sure they'd be interested.

This vid was well worth the wait. Quite a lot better put together than other videos I'd seen of the event beforehand.
Would love to go to one of these someday!

Were the expenses and incomes as you planned, or was there unexpected expenses, or what?

Although I don't know if there was anything similar I would recommend this. Before the event there should be a thread on the forum where people could discuss games they would play and have polls on the popularity of certain games so people could save money to buy the games before the event. And towards the beginning of the event you should project a code on the wall that would verify the attendees and they could join a LAN syndicate only chat room and for example if there was a person wanting to play rocket league, but no one around him wanted to play he could type in the chat board, his seat and table number to be found easier and what game he wants to play.

Lan Sydicate looked very awesome way to put on a great community event, I hope next year I can be there!

if anyone knows the song at the start could you please tell me! because I've gone through all Logan's albums and cant find the song!