Kreestuh's Garden Progress 2021

Peas and spinach is a great idea, I will do that next year!

Looks like a great place to hang with friends!

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if you are looking for gardening experiment for 2022 check out oyster mushrooms. started as a ww1 experiment for quickly farming as much food as possible as easily as possible and exploded. you steam rinsed clean woodchips to sterilize then bag em and inject some mycelium then put it in a good environment often a basement and wait. takes some research to figure it all out but oysters can be grown to a a mature batch every 1-2 weeks.

meanwhile im paying 5-10$ a pound at my asian grocery store because i dont have the space =/ but hey they are worth it

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A friend of mine just got into this after moving into his Dream home. Once you get it going, it seems like a pretty easy operation. He is also experimenting with other myceliae that grows on wood. He has separated rooms dedicated to each type.

I really like the idea of having a greenhouse or multiple. I feel like it’s getting cheaper and cheaper to build them with the ease of getting clear plastics and framing materials (outside of pandemic time).

Then you get to be able to control the temperature, humidity and even lighting if you like.

Plus for the nerds among us it can make for a fun automation project. (You might be able to turn it into a video)

Also, have you considered a grow area for mushrooms? We all know how much you love the 'shrooms. Definitely a more difficult thing to grow though since I hear you need to be very careful about contaminating the growth medium.

I was just talking to my husband about inoculating some logs the other day! I’ve been looking for a source of spores for oysters or chickens but haven’t had much luck outside of small box grow kits (which are great but I’d like to just throw them in our woods and see how they do instead). A family friend of ours tried oysters a couple years ago in their woods and got an ok yield, it’s definitely an experiment I’d like to try.

New thread for 2022 here: KREESTUH’S GARDEN PROGRESS 2022: More Plants, More Problems


Not sure if you follow this channel but I like him. hes chill… down to earth

Totally different growing season than NA for sure though


Yes! Me and my husband watch him. We now say ‘iggs’ instead of eggs lol.

His climate is far warmer than ours, I think subtropical. But I like his ‘throw it at the wall and see what sticks’ methods.

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yeah I popped the joke to my parents. I said im moving to panama bye guys :grin: . I am not blessed with living in a long growing season. I live in zone 4B. RIP simply isnt enough to exemplify what thats like

yeah I was surprised about a couple of those. I like his raised gardens. My dream is to build a no kidding large more than shack scale green house because of the zone im in but man his videos make me want to move south. His dragon fruit are amazing

Do you have pasture raised iggs?

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We’ve been talking about getting chickens but we’re still on the fence on whether it’s worth it. My mom and dad had chickens when I growing up and they were a lot of work. Enough of our neighbors raise chickens + there’s a farmers market with local eggs readily available to us that we’re not sure it makes a lot of sense just yet. With the way prices are rising my husband has been mentioning it more though.

Regarding greenhouses, we may be in the market after tax season. Probably just a little pre-built one like this:

The crazier part of me is interested in a Wilipini:

But they are not really practical in terms of cost/labor haha. They are cool though, no energy requirements and they stay a consistent temperature year round.


2022 going to be a good year?

Automation might help things a bit more these days. Like opening and closing the chicken house at night. Automated watering thats just in time delivery w/closed storage pool. That limits how dirty it gets. I’ve thought about something interesting. A FLIR sensor that detects eggs after they are laid. Notifies you they are laid and about how many to expect. All could be delivered over LoRA to a panel in the house.

But yeah other than that its still keeping an animal so they can be a pain. there is no automated way to clean everything out lol

Man thats actually cool. Soviets could grow pineapples…

Hmm I love next to Giant mounds… There’s plenty of land. That’s kind of a cool idea. Like even for a community garden. we could grow tropical fruits up here. that would be awesome. Seems they require a lot of digging though

I could definitely use the manure to age for compost but yeah, still a lot of work lol. Might be nice to have one day though.

Seems they require a lot of digging though

Yeeeaaah. After digging into our compacted clay soil for the raised beds, I can’t imagine trying to get down 6-8 feet underground haha. It’s really cool though. I’ve seen some people do something similar where they mound dirt up along a green house, or even use barrels of water along a wall as ‘insulation’.

Do you have a Tate’s rents or something similar. You can rent a dozer out her for cheap because its not uncommon for one to need one out in this terrain. I bet a small Kubota could do it in a few hours

My wife loves this guy. I would love to meet him one day.

He’s amazingly down to earth. Haha

I have four chickens and we are guaranteed 2 eggs a day as two are know for laying (Americauna) )and the other two are designer (Crested Polish). They do not take to much work. Mine are truly free range as they have access to the entire back yard, and they are trained to stay in the front while I am working on the yard or in the garage. they take themselves to bed ever night and they lay eggs usually in the same spot. Caveat: You need a fence and some way to protect then from Predators.

in regard to green houses, I spent about 600 on mine. It is an aluminum frame + polycarbonite construction. A Palgram Canopia Hybrid 6x8

The chicken coop is attached to this and the ladies use it to keep away from the rain and high winds.

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Redwood garden bed I’ve been working on. I have to reinforce the bottom a little because it sags, but should be fine.


Saw the Potatoes. I use the same felt bags.

Been really digging purple Peruvian cultivars. They are tasty and normally impress. They just aren’t great for mashed potatoes.


I really like the design of this with the tall posts! Those will make it a lot easier to install things like shade cloth or bug protection.