Keep Getting Error 500 Randomly

browser info

Mull (firefox mobile).

Using a mull tab added to homescreen


Don’t have webconsole on phone

how I got to it

  1. Was drafting a response when I got prompted draft is being updated in another window.
  2. Clicked ignore, copied my draft
  3. Closed the tab (switched out of window, swiped away)
  4. Reopened to screenshot above
  5. Repeated step 3 once before getting to this thread

This is also my experience today - will capture errors when I see them

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Also it is messing with my notifications script - that I don’t have any when I have plenty

When hearting a post

I keep getting it too, it happens randomly.

Welcome Artisan

here is the issue:


did some more poking


Got really horrible an hour or 2 ago then it got better. Have not seen an error since.

EDIT: Spoke too soon, just got one. :laughing:

Happening randomly for me as well

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This has been going on here and there for over a week.

haha Thats my response to my friends when Im poking around my self hosted stuff. Im just like your gonna have to put up with some outtages while I figure out why this isnt doing what it is supposed to. (Usually Nextcloud eating glue in the corner)

I havent gotten the 500 error but I do get endless 525s when editing messages and posts. I usually just attribute it to you guys fixing something.


I am getting “Turn caret typing on?” when typing in posts

Nextcloud always eating out of a bottle too like a savage… sigh

On a brighter note, todays been a better day for me on the forums, not so many issues :slight_smile:

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oh my god. Its off topic but dont you know it. Its sooooo half baked it pisses me off. Ive got it glued together in a docker container with more scripts than I feel comfortable needing

Most annoying thing for me is having all of the ‘performance’ things enabled and and it feeling no different lol.
And that the caldav seems to be flakey with 400 errors…

lets move to the lounge rq. I might be able to help you with this separate issue.

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looks like it might have been sorted…
i left the reply box open, made multiple edits over 20 mins or so.
not one time out and the console is clear 2.



Seems more stable for me last night, and fine today

This is a free service you are offering to the community and I would just like to take a moment to appreciate what you are doing. I think this is one of the less terrible places to hang out online (that isnt social media). This is my hang out now. But I really dont want to discord…