Julian Assange may be handed over to UK and US

if you think he gave all files away then you dont know the first rule of survival. take every thing you can programs, documents, ETC… release the easy stuff documents and keep the programs for release as insurance. ( what i would do )

[quote=“Ruffalo, post:39, topic:127513”]
First I heard of wikileaks having the key to an encrypted Snowden dump, can you link to supporting evidence on that please?
[/quote] none to provide as its is mostly a hunch. but there are some things he has said in interviews that gives me this impression.

i think he only gave them documents and did guide the first release date and which area to cover first to give a foundation on what was to come. but i dont think he gave them everything he was not trying to burn assists and more just trying to expose.

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Well, if Snowdon does still have some secret data, that would explain why he hasn’t been assassinated by the US yet, but I’m choosing to believe he gave it up as he said.
No skin off my nose, what Snowdon did was a genuine act for the good of humanity.
What Assange did was a sloppy slap in the face of bad US/NATO practices, and show some of the inner workings of the US gov

it is possible that he is slowly helping security research teams seal the holes that he knows about and counts that as letting it go. but i dont think he will ever give up the programs while he is alive. way to powerful for any nation or group to have and use ( should never have been made in the first place programmers im looking at you )

There’s no indication or reason to imply/assume that Snowden retained anything, or that he gave an encrypted dump to wikileaks.

And in fact, he has said he didn’t take anything with him from Hong Kong and gave everything to Greenwald and Poitras on multiple occasions. If he did retain anything the GRU would have plucked it out of his hands right away.

I agree that Snowden is a true hero. Assange and even Manning, not so much.

Both are correct answers, the guarantee has been out there from the very beginning

Been following some of his things every now and then, and he has not been talking about new things, hes just assuming and implying things, and often being asked to say something about whatever new comes up

That business insider article is all speculation and bullshit.

Snowden did share encrypted datadumps, but no indication he did that with Wikileaks.

Well yes I havent caught that either, and I missed that the point was if Wikileaks has them

“I just dont care if they have or dont have his files”

IF you dislike or think Assange has done something wrong, can you explain to me how you think, because I dont get you

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It’s been a while, but from what I remember, Assange didn’t vet the dump for things that may put human assets in danger.
Whether anyone was harmed as a result, or if the US managed to pull all affected undercover agents and spies out in time, I don’t know.

That’s correct, Wikileaks just dumped everything without reviewing or redacting it. Much of what they dumped wasn’t newsworthy but was harmful to the USA, such as diplomatic cables, or harmful to innocents in general, as when they dumped the identities and affiliations of millions of Turkish voters immediately following the (very likely engineered) coup in that country.

That was at least partially defensible when Wikileaks’ mantra was that they’d post anything and damn the consequences (still harmful, but at least pure), but over the past several years it’s been exposed that Assange in particular has an agenda, and is not, in fact, a neutral party or even an unwitting asset under Russian influence.

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I know they have been leaking when it fits to do that because early on some larger bulk did just nothing, you mean this thing?

You’re right, that’s what sources do, and sources can have bogus information. That’s why they must be scrutinized and fact-checked before they’re reported. It also must be decided what needs to be reported, what the public needs to know, so that no one’s life is put in danger. This is where journalism begins.

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Kinda hard to parse your sentence there-- anyway, Assange’s agenda is that he hates Clinton and is generally nationalistic/isolationist. That all came from (ironically) leaked chatlogs between wikileaks people sent to the Intercept a couple months back.

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Okay, so chat logs, so basically Australian hates Hillary
But, I dont understand that nationalistic/isolationist part, maybe I should try find these chat logs and read them through

Yes, they’re up on the Intercept. A lot of it is he thought Clinton was a hawk (which she is) and Trump an isolationist dove. Now Trump did campaign on that, but ultimately that is very much not the case, particularly with his recent choice of Bolton etc. But lets not get too deep into politics here.

Well, this thread seems to be in such conflict that I want to understand, like find something really unpleasant to pin and agree that yes thats fucked up

Although, I wouldnt want him to be extradited to US, that seems to be just torture till age kills you

And it would be live on the internet for the world to see or ask about. Even if the US media blanked it out the rest of the world would probe.

I think that’s what government fears now more. The fact that they can’t “china” great wall the internet. Im Australian and heaps of others on just this forum are from all over the world with local news propaganda spoon feed. We all still talk and fact check each other and lies can’t be sold so easy.

Not like the US is cow tailing to the middle east now is it ? It the russians meddling that gets the focus, when its child level IT hacks ? The rest of the world see’s.

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Given wikileaks’ track record of disclosure i wouldn’t bet against it personally.

It’s called insurance.

So confirmation of the NSA illegally spying on both US citizens and the rest of the world was not a service for the good of humanity??

US/NATO deserve a slap in the face for the crap they’ve been pulling.