INTJ count (Myers Briggs)

Mathematics and language, also, are abstract models of observed reality.

I'm making this post so, like in the other thread on this subject, people do not try to lump Carl Jung's personality archetypes, and the Myers-Briggs test used to determine them, into the same category as Astrology. Astrology certainly was based off of the careful observation of stars and planets, and helped us discover how the universe seems to be governed a certain sets of principles. The divinations that the learned people of the time somehow managed to derive from the movement of celestial bodies, which they imposed on individuals, was an attempt to fit individuals into that working order they perceived. In contrast, Jungian archetypes were derived from observing certain universal aspects of people's behaviors - so the system was developed from the individuals themselves, and only helps to categorize.

Words and labels, and the ideas behind them, are very powerful and important things. Ancient peoples knew this, and we are still obsessed with them today.

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I agree. I test INTJ, but INTP is a closer description of my personality.