So just in case any of you missed out or can't be bothered to read the stickies, this is what Wendell has to say about any political discussions from now on
One important note, General politics has never really been what this place is about, and causes a lot of upset, there are plenty of places people can discus politics, so we are removing the politics section and wont be allowing political discussion unless its relevant discussion relating to the "themes" of the community (tech, science, engineering, arts) (e.g. policy related topics) which for the moment can discussed in "policy & tech." Pure Politics is just not worth it in terms of the energy it takes to deal with vs the positive conversations it generates. I will stress that "Policy & Tech" as it relates to tech will continue to be fine.
So in TL;DR, general political talks are now forbidden .
Thank you for reading this announcement
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November 11, 2016, 8:42pm
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