Forum Reorg Time - Please Read

We are currently in the process of doing a reorg' of the categories to make them easier to use and to introduce tagging into posts. Tagging is awesome because we can have a hierarchy of tags and it makes things just as organized but works well if a tag/category is light or heavy traffic.

As that happens some categories will be removed/changed/added. you'll notice some of the categories have changed to level1, we've a new science & engineering category (We'll probably need tag suggestions as we go along. Not right now, but after we make those changes if anyone notices anything is missing).

One important note, General politics has never really been what this place is about, and causes a lot of upset, there are plenty of places people can discus politics, so we are removing the politics section and wont be allowing political discussion unless its relevant discussion relating to the "themes" of the community (tech, science, engineering, arts) (e.g. policy related topics) which for the moment can discussed in "policy & tech." Pure Politics is just not worth it in terms of the energy it takes to deal with vs the positive conversations it generates. I will stress that "Policy & Tech" as it relates to tech will continue to be fine.

You'll see more changes over the coming weeks, some minor, some more noticeable as we try to make the forums a much nicer place to use.

Thanks everyone. I am sure that these changes will be for the better and will make it easier to participate.


No /pol/ talk? I am disappoint.


Finally, I've been waiting for this.

For any moderator that reads this I want you to archive my campaign thread, It's over. There is no more point in discussing something that is now past the point of our control.


many of us have :D


Add design, so I can spam contribute to the category with lots of pretty (sometimes tech-related) stuff?


Allready spotted that. Neat.

RIP @kewldude007

Also do all discussions have to be related to tech now? have had something in the works but this might end that idea.

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Did you even read my post?

30 minutes ago I was legitimately considering pulling out of this community entirely because its's getting so bad politically

This announcement alone is why I'm still here


Design already exists under arts and media. :) Added a few art threads I saw floating around already.


what was the idea? The politics section has always has taken a disproportionate amount of energy for mods and admins alike for the benefit that it has. I am hoping that the tradeoff of available energy from everyone will propel other parts of the site further, farther.

you can pm me if you don't want to post. :) We generally want to encourage politics. Beesyndicate, for example, is not going anywhere because holy crap thats awesome interesting stuff and is kinda sorta tech somehow I think.


No. We just felt that removing the politics sub-category specifically was the way to go since topics frequently lead to issues. The only real change per se is that if you'd like to discuss politics, the content should be related to tech policy.

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sent you the PM.

not tech related but not political discussion.

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@Bee_Syndicate is just out right educational and interesting. Arts... engineering.. science all three i say in some part. :D


Same, something i had asked for too.


Why not just remove it, the sub category is going. We don't need that anymore, whats done is done.

that's why its archived not just closed

If the category is going then there is no point to "especially" make sure its gone then

excuse my ignorance if the category is going where will it sit ? Archive implies pinned/closed or in an archive sub category.

the category will probably become admin posting only.

probably decategorized just null somewhere

I really don't care and we really don't need to discuss this because its status not changing

This isn't your thread. Your homeless now.

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