If you think Gnome is ugly... you don't gnow what you are talking about


Posting from gnome over ubuntu unity via

sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop

Liking it soooo much more than Unity- but I tend to initially like every UI I try over Unity and then it wears off over time.

I thought I'd go to Unity after using Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 for a while.
Changed to Unity when upgrading to 15.10.

It annoyed me.
Main thing is that I use the "Windows" key (super?) to switch programs. It took more clicks to do stuff. Same reason as someone above listed against using Gnome, but I guess its what you get used to or suits you. Even my wife likes using it and she's a huge fan of the Microsoft cool-aid.

I tried so hard to get mine looking like that ... just could not do it. I also fucked up the boot Loader on my dual boot (Using a separate drive for linux ssd) so whenever I restarted on the windows side it would not be able to find the boot device ... so I had to go into the Bios and select the boot device manually.

Also getting linux optimized is hard (for me at-least). Getting the right Drivers, optimizing performance, setting mouse DPI and customizing how it looks ... and then I got some weird screen taring on the desktop! not even in game. Graphics driver was all floppy!

I am going to try again soon but it makes me sad how hard it all has to be.

I would love to see some videos on any of the point I mentioned! Because I love the way This looks and would love to make Linux my primary OS...

I'm just suuper bad at it /:

When was the last time you tried?

Late January

................huh. Interesting.

How about this, what drivers are you looking for?

Well was a whole mess of things So I formated the drive. Going to either try again with ubuntu and gnome or maybe Mint.

But I found an nvidia driver for my GPU. Seemed to work. Still had some issues with tearing and stuff ...

also I have a razer mouse so I did not find a way to set mouse sensitivity and stuff. I knew i should have bought a Zowie mouse!


Try opensuse leap. I have tearing issues all the time on anything ubuntu based.

Opensuse, fedora, and really anything rpm based seems to only have limited tearing on the free drivers.

But once I install the binary drivers, its smooth sailing.

As for mouse sensitivity.....did you try mouse sensitivity under settings?

Okei. Seems Weird that ubuntu is the cause of the tearing.

But yea I am open to trying out new distro's. I'll do some research on Opensue, fedora and mint and see witch one I like the best.

I will also have to do some more research on drivers on linux...
Because seem to be seriously lacking in knowledge ... like what binary drivers are and the free drivers vs ... idk .. you seem to implying that you can pay for a graphics driver ... witch I am totally into if it will work and is for a sensible price.

Also as for the mouse settings. I am very anal with my mouse settings. I need to have specific settings for different things and to know exactly at what dpi my mouse is running at.
And I don't know if it was just me but there seemed to be some weird mouse acceleration even thought I turned it off in settings.

The free driver is the linux opensource driver.

Like when you first run a distro, you are using the free driver right off the bat.

The Nvidia proprietary driver can be installed in one of two ways.

You can either install the driver packages provided by your distro, or you can download an install the binary driver.

Both methods will install the Proprietary drivers. Both methods are free.

There is a lot of setup involved with using the binary driver and it is by far the most difficult way to install it. Plus you will have to reinstall it every time you update the kernel. Of course if you use opensuse leap you will only have to do it a handful of times so it is not a huge deal.

But I find it to be the most reliable way to get a fully functional driver.

Alright. Thank you for the information. I will definitely give this all a good look over.

Now I am all hyped up for booting up linux again.... Now I just need to not fuck up the dual boot like I did the last time...

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Please don't hate me for saying this but for some reason I really like the Unity interface. Especially with Numix theme.

That said I also like Cinnamon but I don't know... I find Unity a bit more pleasant to use then Cinnamon for some reason...

I find VLC tears a lot on my Nvidia card. I use only mpv now. It take a little while to get use to the hot keys as the UI is very minimal.

I'm looking forward to ubuntu 16.04 coming out and it supports installing gnome 3.20 which has a lot of wayland support. Maybe that will help tearing.

afaik 16.04 gets shipped with gnome 3.18

Well, most of 3.18, nautilus 3.14 and I think two of the applications were from 3.20

I hate you for saying that.

Just kidding. I actually like Unity as well, it's just not my favorite. I love how in GNOME you can just hit Win key and it shows all windows and workspaces and brings up the search bar. It's basically like a combination of spaces and launchpad on a Mac. I know in Unity when you hit the Win key it brings up the search, but it doesn't show windows and workspaces if I remember correctly.

For me it goes:
2. Unity (after uninstalling all the Amazon and internet search stuff if you're using Ubuntu)
5. Cinnamon
6. KDE

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Gnome would also be my favorite IF somehow, the title bars would be a bit thinner..
Can you recomand a good theme for gnome, that also takes care of my 'issue' ?

You can reduce the thickness like so:

$ gedit ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css


.header-bar.default-decoration {
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;

.header-bar.default-decoration .button.titlebutton {
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;

Restart the shell with alt-F2 and typing 'r'
You can change the thickness according to your desires with that config, it's a local file so it won't affect other users.


I will try your suggestion, but does this apply to all apps? I remember using for example eclipse, and the tabs where bigger then on other guis. I think eclipse inherits from the base theme some properties.