If you want to compare the $1300 mark to the $1300 mark then I'm with you that the Fury X is the better buy, if all other factors are set aside. BUT THERE ARE OTHER FACTORS. More then likely, he can bargain the guy down to maybe $600 per Titans, or lower. Considering they go for $550 on ebay he should be able to bargain him down a good bit. NEW Titan Blacks go for $750 so he shouldn't be settling on a $650 a pop price for 2 cards. Likely, he pays $680+ per card for Fury X's if he can get a hold of cards in the next month. I'm willing to bet that those cards are going to sell out in the first couple of hours they are stocked. And your off your ass if you think they are going to be easy to get. If he can bargain the guy down to a good price on the Titan Blacks, he might take a 15% performance hit, but he might be able to get more then that in a price cut. If he doesn't, why the hell is the 980 ti not a better card? People Amazon had a listing for $615 per 980 ti on the stock cooler version of the 980 ti by Asus. Good fucking luck getting that price for a Fury X. Sure Amazon doesn't have that card in stock by Amazon directly, but they don't have the Fury X either now do they?
he could get better performance with CF sapphire 290x 8GB cards for mare $500-600 from ebay.
~ than on SLi Titan black's.
Its very bad deal.
980 ti is much better option here thats obvious - but only non-ref models... ref models suck.
While its good to buy amd gpu as things stands now - you'd be better off buying new unused 980ti than his used titan blacks.
Frankly I'm done with this thread. I don't think any person on here wants to take into account things like bartering, that can definitely be done when he is talking to his friend about buying the dudes old video cards. Its not likely a $1300 to $1300 comparison. Neither will he likely get for that $1300 price. The Titan's likely less, and with how things have been going the fury for more. Between the two cards, it is likely that price to performance will be better on the Titan's. If he is good at bartering at least that should be the case. If he isn't, then the Fury X still shouldn't be the next choice. The 980 ti has been listed for below msrp, and its more easy to get right now. You all sound like your comparing everything off just performance, and not price. Or at the bare minimum disregarding prominent, possible, price variables. Everyone here also wants to give the Fury X the doubt of unrefined drivers. People the 980 ti is barely older then the Fury X. Its a cut down version of the Titan X yes, but it isn't the exact same card. There are differences and improvements still to be made on both the Nvidia cards and AMD cards. For christs sake we aren't even considering the Fury non X, which launches in 6 short days. Maybe the Fury non X will do what the 980 Ti has done to the Titan X but for Fury X. We don't know, but everyone is making assumptions like we already know all the numbers we will get in 6 days, and months down the line with driver improvements.
People are selling the 8gb version of the 290x for much more then $250-$300 a pop. Close or more then $400 in every listing I could find, and I've been looking to buy one to replace my Gtx 770 for a while now. Your also not counting Overclocking of either the 290x or Titan Black. The original and even late Hawaii cards did not like to overclock. While the Titan Black and its counter part the 780 ti had pretty good sized gains. Although, you are right overall 290x (or even 390x) crossfire is a better deal.
"Even if I talk him down to a saner price, why would I want two Titan Blacks over say two 980ti's or a couple of Fury's?"
You wouldn't. Two 980tis would be the way to go. Even a couple 390s or 390x's would be a better choice.
290x doesn't like oc? It loves it... i can oc mine to 1165@1600 stable 100%@68'C max (msi lightning). Temp problems are non existent on proper non-ref models.
You just have to keep eye out; good deals are not there every day.
You got lucky on that Lightning dude. I know JayzTwoCents has never had a card that clocked over 1040mhz stable. That included an ROG matrix platinum.
gigabyte, asus and few others made crap. *rog matrix plat were crap too.
sapphire, powercolor pcs+, club, msi light were the only good cards as i remember.
It wasn't the coolers, it was the limitations of the silicon. Jay had a Tri-X, same thing.
for memory oc it was company which made them
(Hynix clocked better up to 1650+, Samsung clocked to 1550+ above you may get unstable clocks) for core itself ~ depending on thermal solution used on it and voltage supplied to gpu (note msi light has 2x 8pin and 1x 4pin connector) ~ you could get stable to 1100+- after that its a gamble roll on silicon. I've seen people getting stable clocks up to 1250@1800 at boinc with sapphire vapor 8gb cards... so its possible - maybe they did volt mod or something but it worked stable in 24/7 environment of heavy crunch for months.
I think it was either an anomaly of a card, or a voltage mod. I've never seen a 290x hit that high without a voltage mod.
I'm not saying its impossible, but some 290x's just didn't overclock.
yeah and you had hynix you could push easily over 1550MHz memory.
It did not like it. The memory threw errors at 1375 so I decided to play it safe.
I would say no. There are better options for the price.
im happy with my titan blacks, i have 3 of them, but i got em when they came out before anything better came out, i would say go for the newer cards
Thank you for all your input. It is not like I am in desperate need of a new GPU solution from what I currently have, I just wanted to know if this guys offer was even worth the money. Because with so many interesting and fast cards on the market all I could see it had going for it was the Titan name. And TBH it doesn't carry the weight to me that it does to many other people. Sure the Titan and Titan black were good for 3d graphics work, but I don't do any of that. So what was left? The amount of ram? Already becoming mainstream with 6+GB. The Speed? Plenty of cheaper solutions are faster. So it was all as I suspected and I am just going to hold out for a generation more I reckon.
Do you use them for rendering and such? What motivated you to get three of those over the 780ti's The amount of Ram? The name? Just curious.