I’ve spent a combined total of months upon months trying different stuff out to have an enjoyable gaming experience. High refresh rate, low latency, performance. I cannot go to Linux when all I know is Windows for over 20 years yet I’ve already been pushed to the point of doing so and tried a few different distros.
I’m not going to lie. I cannot stand Linux, I cannot stand the lack of instructions and help or direction, I cannot stand the million different distros. However Windows has, for the last two decades, become so disgustingly tyrant and violating to the end user.
Interruption: Funny how it’s called “end user” but the end user is the same thing as a Server host domain controller… and “dev”.
Funny how “bare-metal” hardware is always attached to something that’s a “visible” prefix of dev… dev/sda, dev/nvme0n1, dev/pornmovies…
Funny how Windows doesn’t let you just be a “personal computer user”. You’re either running Home edition and forced into a workgroup or running Enterprise or Server and forced onto the same workgroup but with more goodies in the properties menu.
Choosing a domain is no different, and why is it called a domain if, and I’m being serious, the computer IS THE DOMAIN BY DEFINITION. But Windows won’t let you make your computer name the same thing as your domain name even though they are. Windows won’t allow you to have a PERSONAL computer. And they have become so disgusting with tracking every single movement during every single thousandth of a micro second that’s it’s literally terrorism at this point. I wish I could laugh.
Linux isn’t much better but I don’t know too much about it other than it made me realize how crap Windows is and how all of their “optimizations” are actually trash compounded problems they call evolution.
I tried PopOS, ran x11 on gnome with proprietary Nvidia drivers and the pipeline off, and I experienced almost zero I’m taking crazy low latency between the mouse moving and the games visual response and the “feel”. I never experienced anything like it I only got close isolating games on certain cores with Windows DWM.EXE. Never and to this day has Windows ever gotten close to the feeling of playing Squad on x11 and gnome, and I hate gnome because canonical is another bat shit insane violating monopoly that works with Microsoft… Scary.
Oh and here’s another thing I’m going to bitch at. These pieces of shit carriers try to throttle down to unusable Internet speeds because of some pathetic 5-50GB limit which is illegal by the way. They say I hit my hot spot limit 10 minutes into downloading a game while I was USB tethering. Call me silly but I feel like the whole world has gone bat shit insane.
Windows default firewall configuration, half the services literally being viruses. Them always migrating crap and then they want cloud syncing and setting transfers, what are they retarded!?
Windows gets worse and worse because they’re retarded and keep trying to optimize a shit design… and Linux is retarded because it’s been 20 years and they have gotten absolutely nowhere basically(that’s why people distro hop)… considering that’s half my life span with the dumbasses in control…
They need to scrap windows, scrap unix, get rid of all that bullshit and make a real god damn personal desktop computer, HOLY SHIT.
Now I get remotely attacked on Linux and Windows for simply trying to optimize a video games input lag, or ffs, removing that trash they call edge. ANY REASON you will be attacked at a software and emotional level for doing ANYTHING nowadays.
Corporations and government, do me a favor and SHOVE IT.