I missed this Bill Nye Youtube Blow Up

Well that's not quite the same thing but it has the same sentiment i.e remove all the other beliefs and things and it will be better because we know best. BTW im not arguing against science just the psychology behind that belief system / way of thinking.

Hopefully science can truly prove to be better by not annihilating 80% of the worlds population in order to prove it's point.

oh boy, cue in star wars reference
well shit, lemmy just put "justice" in the title of my political agenda and i can do no wrong! hell, if you go against me you are obviously in the wrong! i mean hell, you and everyone who claims justice has obviously determine with zero eeror chance what is just and better for everyone! you couldn't possibly be in the wrong and anyone against you is in conflict with everyone's best interests. Pure authoritarian communist thinking.

Well, when you make up your own stuff, everything is right, i mean you literally just made it up! completely diluting the term "gender" to just mean personality/fashion choice! its not like it has anything to do with the natural sex characteristics of males and females owning to their respective roles in a natural developing society, and that language itself morphed into using gendered words (with heavy regards to latin languages ), nowadays you can change terminologies to satisfy your own entitled view of the world.

Quick scientific analysis, if gender is a spectrum, define regions of genders for me. i mean, if it is as you say, then there must be clear observable differences and NOT subjective interpretations. just like every other spectrum you can find in science!

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Irrelevant babbling is not an argument. Your understanding of biology is too convoluted for me to correct you, not unlike your understanding of "justice".

What you have done, above, is make a bunch of orthogonal claims, and convoluted moral truisms with political agenda. I would suggest you do some readings, starting with Edward Said and Richard Lewontin. And then we can talk.

I am not going to get drawn into a meaningless argument with you.

Hmmmm... seeing as how I am a tenured biologist, and that gender-issues of the type I am talking about has been known to be gradient neural constructs since, at least, Kamin (1967), I think you can see why I am not in the least bit interested in arguing about this with you.

If, however, you are interested in finding out exactly how convoluted your random, and privilege-fuelled, nonsensical ramblings are, I will be happy to put you in touch with either D.N. Lee, Steven Rose or Dick Lewontin. They are the leading experts in neuro-cognitive functions, and I am sure they will be more than eager to set you straight. PM me, if you want to try their patience, and I will be happy to make an introduction.

Otherwise, consider your subjective chauvinist ramblings added to my "ignore" list.

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what? as opposed to your marxist rambling? also you do realize you never got to actually make an argument for yourself right? you just claimed it as true and tested without explanation. appealing to authority much? make your case or be deemed as without a cause.

ohh, ad hominem, very scientific.

hey why didnt you get to explain the gender part? if it is your expertise you should be able to explain how that spectrum works! come on mister tenured biologist, explain this humble physics engineer with expertise on observing/measuring actual spectra, how does that gender spectrum work in a scientific measurable way and in no way subjective.

very easy of you to just tell me to go spend days in literature, but as Einstein puts it, If you cant explain it simply, you dont understand it very well


do you actually know how many lives could have been saved if we had better stem cell therapy?

You are so focused on singing and holding hands with every fucking moron that you are not seeing the basic fall out from letting these people lobby in politics.

These people are in fact toxic, and if you can't see the cause and effect of it, then IDK how to help you.

This is what social justice leads too. People that will never have any meaningful debate or an exchanging of ideas. You guys are just the science wizzes that have it all figured out and all you can do is call people stupid or say you lack understanding.

Continually blowing my mind with how fucking arrogant you people are. Why not use your time and be useful instead of whining about non issues.

Every time one of these threads pop up all you non active members come out of the closet to start your commie bullshit. Fuck off to a forum that wants that not a tech forum.

Dont worry china does dont give a fuck and is testing now.

USA can be god fearing and wait.

Japan is actually at the fore front of the technology. We are 8 years behind because of bush, and obama wasn't all that gun hoe to fund research either.

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The thing is, most people who claim to have science on their side are actually taking a crap on the whole scientific method of skepticism, measuring and making hypothesis. No idea is taboo in science and yet "progressives" constantly use the word science to shutdown opposing ideas...completely doing a 180ΒΊ on the whole concept.

so what? as long as the articles are published, any country can use the technology...

Once again, (for the fourth time) Im not specifically dismissing anything about the scientific/sociological topics talked about in this thread. I arrived late and whilst reading through I was interested in your idea of using violence in order progress science, which caught my eye.

You seem to enjoy the idea higher levels intellectual human progress through science but in order to achieve it you appear to justify returning to a primitive club over the head style approach.

Please dont put science and sociology in the same sentence...it makes me shudder.
the practitioners of the former are independent of society while the others try to dictate to society.

The only way to truly progress in science is to allow all of the ideas to be experimented and tested with. if you go against funding research for certain ideas (such as hypothesis that go against man made, or even the possibility to control the climate change at this point) as it has repeatedly happened due to political pressure, you are destroying the progress of science. Both successful and unsuccessful experiments are needed to understand what fits and what doesn't fit.

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In your little plot on this rock we call earth.

Well that is happening.

I put it in because that has happened within this thread. Im not sure how many times I have to say this but im not taking a position here on the topics at hand other than trying work out how it's okay to use violence on people for not accepting an opinion. That is all.

it was a joke :stuck_out_tongue:
on the whole violence thing, if you consider the law of the land as the consensus opinion the that is the only case where i can see violence as justifiable as enforcement based on mere opinion.

In your little plot on this earth you have at it....Its happening everywhere else regardless.

Ah my bad.

That doesn't really say anything.

Do you really need to be told you dont matter ?.

The science is happening and results will flow on globally.

Heaven forbid china cure cancer and dont share.

Im still not sure your point is relevant to what i was specifically talking about. You may aswell of put # tag 'dealwithitbro' as a post.

True. its america....FUCK YER... hang Bill Nye as a gender hater. the most pointless thing in this planet. I suck being on it.