I hate my full time job

Exactly. Wanting changes to be made to suit your own perception of what the show should be isn't a donation it's a narcissistic bribe.

you and me both buddy. we would all go out for drinks!

If u got to do overviews of a few products, fine that's your job, just don't be like Linus and split videos into 7 parts, beg for patreon, upload to vessel and charge for that too and give us content that's 3 months old and irrelevant.

Like to me I like all the content thus far and the audiophile stuff, the tek on friday, the kill your console builds, and the linux stuff. Another thing I'd like is a "how to set up a home media server with linux" or stuff like that.

I really like the content where you go to places and show us what's going on inside and talk to the people. A trip to an atom smasher, SETI, or an observatory, and showing us what's in their computer cases would be cool too.

I purchased a house about 2 years ago when the market (Socal) was stupid competitive. The wife and I felt very similar to how you are feeling. We put many offers in on houses well above asking price just to be beat out by all cash buyers or higher bids. We were starting to feel a little stressed about the whole thing since we felt like it was getting a little ahead of ourselves. In the end we ended up taking a step back a slowed down the process on our end. We stopped trying to fit the square peg in the round hole. We would casually search maybe 2-3 times a week and I lowered my forecasting with spreadsheets and polling data on market analytics. It felt like we were working smarter by making the search on our time where as before it felt we were on the markets time.

In markets that are competitive try to find any edge you can. One edge that we found was find out who is selling (this can easily be found on the current title something the realtor can lookup) If its an investor that owns the house you can bet they will price the house pretty firm with the expectation of they can wait it out if they feel the market is there. If its owner occupied you can have your realtor relay why you like the home to the owners. If you can convince them that they are selling to someone who will love the house. This might give some edge over an all cash buyer/investor if you are both coming in at the same price. This ultimately worked for us and never thought we would have gotten the house when we did put the offer in.

I also learned that the budget you have is never enough. If you can find a house with half the things you want your doing well. It seems like you are pretty open minded and resilient to the market. I would decrease the pressure on yourself and you will find that once you do that it surely goes fast. Looking back it does feel like after we stopped caring so much it went into hyperdrive.

I'm game for you to start doing "the Tek" live, especially if it means more videos. You guys still seemed to have read the articles and stayed on point, unlike a certain other tech stream ;D

I guess the big variables for me are time (we have to move on Dec 31st and we will be in China for 2 weeks), space needs for the studio and living, and the dog. I have actively been looking for months, but things keep falling through. This has really been extremely difficult. We might be able to get something smaller and rent an office in Portland... that is an option, but it will take longer to get up and running.

It is especially rough on me because Tek Syndicate is not a regular job. It's a grind. If I'm not making content for everyone I feel terrible. I know most of the members on here are understanding... but the thousands on YT don't give a fuck about our situation... they just want more, better, bigger, FREE! lol... They probably aren't the patrons or Tek Support members either, but I do want to be sure we make content for everyone.


Yeah... missing simpler times lately. I'll get my health back once we finally move.

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socal here too. everyone i know who has a house spend 2+ years looking for one.

I also think live is the way to go. Live on Twitch and throw the VOD on Youtube.

Live Tek for Patreon and Tek Support members? Then edit the video later and put up an official "The Tek" on the youtubes? Just an idea, wouldn't want to create any more work for you guys.

Buying houses these days is rediculous, I'll be spending years paying off a quarter of a million dollar loan to live in an area where I don't want my kids to attend any of the local schools at all. Fun times. We do have grass though, grass is nice.

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we love you logan, keep that chin up!

move to canada we have beavers and maple syrup

Oh c'mon, that was funny :P

he just need to learn how to say aboot and Eh?

and put maple syrup on Everything. Literally, everything/

Easy way ? Success leads to stress.

Add in whiny companies holding cash flow over you as well as viewers. I would not envy that.

Relax mate. Im sure many like me have been around a while and will give you time to adapt. Its only been 3 months, look how comcast did with their upgrade money :)

Gosh I remember the last time I moved. Had 3 weeks to buy and close a mortgage on a house and move all my crap 1500km to start a job transfer. Like beating my head against a wall.

I used to work at a moving company and moving is the 3rd most stressful life event after death and divorce. Your an honorable man and I will value your content regardless of what you decide. Heck do a video on moving hell and have some fun!!!!.......Oh the stories I could tell...:)

@Logan you wanted that "gritty, off-the-cuff, feel" The live shows seem to encapsulate that best.

Do the shows live if it makes your life easier. I'm totally onboard with the idea to use IRC instead of YouTube for chat. I would say do the shows whenever is convenient for you, even if there's no set schedule. People can always watch the recording like usual if they miss it live. Keep it simple for now until things settle down, then you can think about whether it makes sense to continue doing it live or if you would rather go back and put the time in to edit later. One more convenience of being live is there will be plenty of people to let you know if a mic cuts out. ;)

Hang in there and don't sweat the small stuff.