How to get Windows7 For Free?

It's called 7 loader. shhhh... you didn't get it from me

download using the torrent application of your choice.  I reconmend Deluge becuase it doesnt have ads.

Then burn it to a disk.  Put the disk in and restart you computer.  If it doesnt automatically work you need to change the boot priotity in your bios so that cdrom is frist.

haha lol i have a pirated disk my mate gave me

so technically i didnt do anything wrong


i just found this forrum post its been quite a bit so i dont know if he has any keys left


[color=green]Don't get into how to obtain a pirated copy of Wndows 7. That discussion is not allowed here. I'll leave the thread open but if it edges into it again, it'll be locked.[/color]

[color=green]I already warned everyone not to discuss about pirated software. That includes posting links to it. Please read the rules:[/color]

[color=green]Thread locked.[/color]