How to get Dark Mode on Mobile Youtube


I found a way to get dark mode for youtube mobile. I am not sure if this is intentional, but it’s pretty takes advantage of my ammoled screen

Steps to do it

  1. Switch to desktop mode. Look for the 3 dots on the top right from the home page or go to your account
  2. Click on the account menu again on desktop mode
  3. Click on the apperance tab, then change it to to dark mode
  4. Switch the browser back to mobile version. Open the account menu from the home page again
  5. Your browser version of youtube is now in dark mode!

You use chrome or firefox?

Firefox, updated tags

Works in Chrome 88 beta as well.

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It’s simple

Install newpipe

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You beat me to this…

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Newpipe is nice, but if you want youtube algorithm recommendations and block ads, mobile is still the way to go.



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Harharhar, it’s good at discovering new channels.
Most of the videos, I found were suggested by algorithm