How long do you guys sit down in a chair per day?

Do you guys spend most of the day sitting on a chair and working and for how long? Do y'all ever try standing and working on a PC or do other things to balance it off like working out or things that do not involve sitting on a chair? Thanks. 

I probably spend around 3/4 of my waking day on a chair. It's a pretty bad one as well. I Am using some decent cushions right now to offset the lack of actual cushion on the chair.

I am surprised I have not developed some back problems. I am going to invest in a decent chair eventually. Usually I take frequent coffee breaks and walk around for about 5 minutes every 30 minutes or so. If anything I eventually come to lounge on a bed more comfortable chair.

If I don't work that day you can bet I'm in my chair for 90% of my uptime that day if I don't have any plans.

now sure how many that equates to but I do take lots of breaks to get a healthy snack and or play with the dog.

my chair right now is a complete POS. in about 4weeks I'll be pulling the trigger on a new one

Well at work I'm usually standing most of the day, but on my off days or after work, I'm usually planted on my chair. I sleep in on Sunday (only day off), wake up, and go to the computer. Usually talking about 10+ hours in a chair, the best method I've found to getting up in between is drinking a lot of fluid (that fluid's gotta go eventually). But yea, trying to get better with my sitting habits. Sorta difficult standing all day with a hip replacement, so chairs are always welcomed in my life ;)

sitting balls work lol

I used to spend a lot of time searching in books in my library, but as all research is more online now, I've switched to using more clients, one at my desk, a tablet in my hand, one one a wall mounted standing desk, etc... portable devices are the future to avoid sitting yourself to death though.

I'm also on the phone a lot, and I always walk around while calling when that's possible, I walk so many miles every day that I've worn through the commercial grade carpet in 18 months or so, so I went for granite instead lol.

Can't have it all though, mobile devices are definitely efficient for a lot of stuff, but they're also worse for the eyes than a big screen desktop workplace.

4-8 hours sleeping in my BED!!!

The rest of the time is either 8-10 hours at work in a CHAIR .. or at home on a PC .. in a CHAIR -- or on the recliner watching netflix... so... 16ish hours a day ? minus cooking, cleaning,traveling...

Yeah, its winter... or I would be outside at the gun range shooting things. ( weather sucks and too much snow to safely shoot outside right now in the winter)


I sit for about 12 - 16 hrs a day on average.  

I probably sit for about 3 hours a day average, I just use a bean bag and my laptop, much comfier than a chair :)

12-15 hours. I go running almost every day to stay healthy. But IT and pc gaming take their toll. 

I wish I could sit down more, usually am up so much that my feet hurt by the end of the day.

Way too fucking long.

85%+ of the time that I'm awake.

I would say about 7-8 hours a day i like to pace around the house or pull weeds when i need time to think about a project I'm working on. 

Lets just say all the padding in the main cushion of my chair is gone (like literally I don't know where it ...) and I've deformed a lot of pillows trying to support my ass. Needless to say if I don't have anywhere to be its a minimum of 14 hours and a max of 20 (please help meh).

I am a field tech so I spend 5-8 hours driving in a day so it is hard not sitting because of it.

I try not to think about it, might make me cry about my life.

Well I am a Machinist so I stand for 8 hours a day, I do come home for lunch so that's one hour of sitting, then when I come I'm in the chair for at least another 5 gaming and scrolling through the epic feed and what not. And on the weekend if I'm not up north cutting down trees. It's AT LEAST 10 hours a day.

I used to sit down a lot but ever since in college I do have a place to put my laptop where I can stand and do work and it has been very great for me. Occasionally I do sit down in case I feel a bit tired but after 15-30 minutes I stand back up and continue doing PC work. Weird at first but you get used to it and is actually enjoyable and burns calories.

I don't know that much about machining, but I love welding. What stuff do you make?