How long do you guys sit down in a chair per day?

I'm never going back to a job where I'd have to sit down for most of the day. Were I to lose my current job I'd invest my last salary on an adjustable desk, no doubt about it. Now that I think about it I feel like I'll better keep my eye out for a chance to get a good one relatively cheap, just in case. Even the best of chairs can only do so much after all.

Between my work at the university and what I do later at the house easily 10-12 hours per day. I make it my mission to walk during weekend cause this is getting really ridiculous. Tablets help too though for some movement. At the office if I do not do sth that needs a lot of focus i move around all the time. And many times if I need to read sth on paper I leave the office and try to go somewhere else that does not involve a chair.  

Its a job shop so you name it we make it

Most of what we do is remake or reverse engineer OEM parts that would be too expensive for the customer to buy from the factory. We also repair parts to (i.e. boring out bushings and replacing them). I personally do alot of keyway's for electrical motor shafts. We make prototype parts as well. 

Seriously in the 7 months I've worked on HUNDREDS of different jobs from one-offs to full on prodution.

but sadly welding is not really our forte, I mean, we have this big ass stick welder in the back but I never use it. 

a lot of time. i probably spend a good 90% of my waking day in a chair.

I walk around as much as I can at work and I go to the gym 3-5 times a week. But my day goes mostly like this. Wake up, take a shower, get dressed, brush the snow of my car, drive to work (sitting), work (8-10 hours of sitting in front of a computer), drive home (sitting), gym (half the time), watch netflix/play xbox, bed. I will get on my home PC for a couple minutes a night and occasionally play a game, but after spending so much time at a desk at work, I'm not usually excited to sit at a desk at home.