I am having trouble with linux kernel 6.12 on arch linux on my Asus zenbook s 16 with the Ryzen 9 AI HX 370. The system within about 5 minutes of booting will just freeze with no keyboard or mouse response and graphics freezes also, oddly sound keeps playing. I have narrowed it to the linux kernel itself by rolling back each updated package individually with pacman after updating with pacman -Syu. rolling back to linux-6.11.9 works fine but i have had to ignore the last few linux kernel updates since i have not know what to do other than wait.
I have had similar issues with 6.10 + arch linux (EndeavourOS Live Boot) for some reason, haven’t had time to debug it further. But would take deeper look once over the holidays. Will also try going to 6.12 & 6.11 kernel with latest patches to see if that works.
I think it might be due to some graphics driver issue with rdna 3.5, as without display output/plain tty the system seems to work just fine. I might try disabling igpu and test again.
I am on a Asus ROG Zephyrus G16.
I have heard from folks that pop os works fine for them and since it has older kernel and doesn’t support igpu.
Actually tested 6.11.10 with fedora/bazzite works perfectly fine, tried igpu only as well, nvidia gpu never had issues. Will try updating to 6.12 once I am free next. Merry Christmas folks.
oh, i get the freezes in a tty also. If i update im basicly forced to boot the arch in lts lts kernel which is linux 6.6 i believe, in order to revert the other kernel back to 6.11.
I just installed and tested the latest 6.12.6 kernel with endeavour os, it seems to be working fine, but I have nvidia gpu disabled due to battery life and gpu switching issues. So it should be very comparable to S16.
I think 6.12.6 is only 3-5 days old. So maybe try it out again? Also I locked the system 60 fps for now, not sure if it’s a PSR issue, does S16 have PSR(it’s Panel Self Refresh stuff from asus laptops, try booting with it disabled)?
PSR is an intel thing i believe, disabling it is setting the i915 intel driver in gurb, seeing as i’m using amd cpu gpu, i dont use the i915 driver.
6.12.6 also froze in less than 5 minutes, there was a whole bunch of arch updates. I can tell you once again i only had to roll back the kernel to linux 6.11.9 no other packages, and now the laptop works again.
Is your Zephytus an intel or amd cpu?
I’m fairly sure since i have another laptop with an older amd 5500u that can run all the rolling upgrades to arch including linux-6.12.6 that this issue is related to hardware, and since the main biggest difference between the two is cpu, gpu, i’m guessing there is some sort of software bug specific to running on the new amd zen 5 processors.
Have you tried serial? Given that some of your box keeps running (audio) there is a chance you might be able to get some into with serial terminal/console, even if its only the ability to trigger SAK.
Do you see anything in the logs or dmesg? Have you tried logging in via SSH from another computer once it’s frozen?
If you boot into the updated kernel and can ssh from another computer you can run the dmesg command to see if there are any errors.
Otherwise, you can boot into the 6.12 kernel, get it to freeze, then reboot into an older kernel. From there you can view the previous boot with journalctl via the -b flag, e.g., # journalctl -k -b -1. Note: -k filters to only the kernel logs, which you may or may not want.
it seems to be an issue with the amdgpu driver crashing, by what i see in journalctl for me with any kernel >= 6.12. weirdly the same driver version does not crash with kernel 6.11.9 and the arch lts kernel 6.6.
Anyone have any ideas on why the gpu driver crashing is seemingly also taking out my input control?
well i went googling to see who else is having this issue and found a lot of issues reported here https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/amd/-/issues basically the same as what i’m experiencing.
Found someone who switched from 120 to 60Hz refresh rate and had less problems. Done the same 1h ago, rebooted in kernel 6.12, and that’s stable since then.
time to crash seems to be related to how hard the gpu is working(i think what really matters is number of driver calls), so lower the refresh rate delays the crash for me but does not stop it. i have already tried this and it makes no difference for me.