I am a student at the TU Graz now in the first semester (Information and Computer Engineering). Because I now study here in Graz my laptop is crucial. Unfortunately something has happened and it has gone crazy (all specs at the end).
Today a Blue Screen happened while playing Battlefield 3 the game screen froze and it happened. That is not the only time, it happens randomly but fortunately not too often. And also the FPS sucks so i had to put my graphics manually to the lowest and the resolution ridiculously low almost like counter strike. A few days ago i had serious trouble with the display driver. It crashed without warning and recovered a few times. I tried to update the video driver but not a single one wanted to work correctly so i had to install the outdated one again. The Laptop is acting strange in general my peripherals (mouse keyboard) are stuttering, they stop working four a moment and then continue but without losing power / the are constantly on even when that happens. So i did some diagnostics. Memory and hdd test form windows and memory, hdd, startup and all extensive test that i could find in my bios. Everything showed NO problems what so ever. The CPU temperatures were ridiculous some time ago so i changed the thermal paste ( I put something good in) i cleaned it perfectly and i bought a Cooler master i300. Now the MAX! temps are abound 70 celsius. I hope somebody has some ideas or solutions.
P.S. Sorry for my English I am a Bosnian speaking person that studies in German and talks English :D
Laptop HP 4730s Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit (Update enabled) Almost all drivers are up to date except Audio and Video Specification:
Hi did you check that the air flow path is clear, clean and that the cpu fan is turning free lee and at the right speed. Usually part of the flow goes through the keyboard.(sort-off)
Well i don't really know because the laptop is constantly plugged in and the failures are intermittent so i can't recreate them after i plug in the battery.
A friend of mine had some problems with his power supply also with HP but I don't know exactly what issues he got. Another thing may be some software who's taxes your recurces too much ...
My HP DV 6 or how its called had some issues with the GPU too. Black screens from a not propperly soddert gpu ... i fixed it with a head gun and some sodder fluid ... there are some videos around how to do that ...
If possible i'd just do a fresh install of your operating system and go from there, would be the easiest way to figure out if this is a hardware problem vs a software problem.
May you try to install Linux on another ssd or hdd ... you can run run valley or heaven benchmark to test it ... in the end you learnd somthing ether way.
Well i would try to avoid a fresh install because the install isn't really old but definitely could try. And my internet is utterly slow so downloading all of the windows updates and programs again would take a century. Four the other students there are more than 150 of them and most come from a gymnasium so they have no idea about computers. There are some people that could help but the study's just started so i really don't know a lot of people. For the linux, I already had a dual boot of windows and and some variation of linux installed but nor do i remember the kind of linux ti was nor was i any good at using it. And i currently don't have access to a heat gun but maybe could find something somewhere.
Hibernation is always off and the pagefile is usually low just a few percent ( on my all cpu meter). And currently set at 4030 MB. And wat do you mean with cpu power settings? And yes on /off doesn't work it fixes the issue temporarily.
Go to Control Panel / Power Options/ Change Power Plan / Advanced Settings / and change the Processor Power Management on the minimum value and maximum to a closer and more tolerable/focused margin and see if the problems still occur. Also, consider changing your gpu settings to performance as opposed to quality to see if that helps.
The recommendations I am making are baby steps before you do anything drastic. Also what is the state of your power supply? Did it suffer any power issues lately?
Power plan set to High performance, CPU set to min 50% max 100%. ant the GPU was and is always set to performance. And the power brick didn't suffer any power issues that i know about and also it is an hp original. It does get pretty hot but i don't think that's weird because this laptop draws a fair amount of current and the brick is rated at 90W like the manufacturer recommends for the laptop. Also i stripped a big aluminum fin heat sink to it and i think that it is helping to regulate the heat.
Well I recommend you do this for now to see if this will fix the problem. Your computer may be drawing too much or your power supply may be providing too little. It's just a temporary check.
Well i will leave the laptop on the adapter without the battery like it was until now to see if the failure comes back. And i do have a multimeter on hand but measuring the voltage without load it not useful. But if it occurs again i might take the laptop apart and probe the power line while it is on or running a game. And also back to the question about the lame fps is that just because or the specs and i planed to buy 4 more GB of ram. But anyway it doesn't make sense BF3 should be running well on a 1GB graphic.
First because it would take a long time to arrive Form ebay (i'm in Austria) and the second thing is that it would not be really correct to do that. The laptop power bricks are switch mode and they have a feedback loop of some kind usually. So if the laptop draws more power than it should or adds some kind of ripple / failure the primary of the brick ( wall socket) might not show a higher power consumption instead it might even drop. In some cases you are right but from personal experience the best way is to test the output under load and also the input if capable at the same time (hoping the failure occurs). P.S. for some reason 90% of the sellers don't ship to Austria :/ This is the cheapest one that ships to me and has the right plug.
I seriously don't want to be an ass and i appreciate all the help and i will probably buy a power meter but also i'm just saying my opinion trying to find all possible solutions.