Haunted PC - Memory Errors in Chrome

There should be 0 errors unless there is a problem with the machine, temp related or not. You can try to run with it like that though and see if it solved your issue.

Whats getting to 92c? The ram? The cpu?

The CPU gets to 92°C. I don’t think there’s any temperature probe inside RAM sticks as far as I know.



either way, theres something wrong with the memory controller. so ymmv

It doesen’t show for me on HWiNFO64. To settle this down I’m going to get some ice, keep the laptop cool and see what happens. Thanks again for all the help.

I’m using hwmonitor but I believe hwinfo would show it if the sensor was available. Just use the machine like you normally would an see if it shits the bed on you. No need to put it through its paces. Limp it along until you can replace it I guess.

Good news. At 89°C with some ice under it the errors went way down from 40 to 7. So I guess that proves my theory that memory doesen’t like high temps. Also they’re not increasing but they’re “stable”.

Update: CPU temperature went down during a lighter test and there are no more memory errors showing up. The original kit was done for sure, but this one is fine and the CPU is fine aswell.