Half-Life: Alyx

Does that hold it back?

I know consoles are finally reaching 2.4ghz, and obvs. they only do one task, but still, do games not perform well enough on your system?

I don’t have VR, and am surprised that it would require a faster CPU than that

Honestly, this looks incredible.

Official Screenshots:

I am most impressed by the way you seem to be able to interact with the world. If that holds true throughout a full length game, it is a milestone.

Probably, yeah. We will see.

Consoles will not hit 90fps, even for VR Mark my words.

I’ve got a 1080 ti and 2018 games struggle to consistently hit 100fps at 1440.

Might need to investigate SLI passthrough. :troll:

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Yeah, I would have thought that perhaps the GPU would be more of an impediment.

My brother’s rig had sli 980ti’s and ran with a vive and 4k60, with a 4ghz cpu, but he felt the performance was much better when he upgraded to a 2080tu

The main difference is that while the framerate on a screen is fine averaging 90, on VR that must be locked 90. The moment it drops even just a little it feels jarring.

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Did valve just announced Half Life 3? I think they bloody did…

I htought it was 1.5? …

I’m hoping they unveil it at the end of this one…

Maybe portal 3 also? :~

boy do I wanna know what will happen to my main gal Shelly <3


Yeah, it takes place between HL1 and HL2. Basically; it’s Half Life Episode 1.

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hooooly shieeet, only got to see it now, was busy

damn son… looks really awesome… guess we’ll see some fried systems also

Not even sure about that. It looks extremely well designed and that is what makes it look so pretty. I don’t think it is the most taxing title though. To me it looks put together as efficient as possible and Source Engine has always been very good at that.

Seeing G-Man at the end of the announcement trailer brought back so many good memories. I’m really exited to see what this new game can offer.

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AAaaaaaahhh… I see… They are bridging a gap nobody quite cares about…

Rise and shine Ms Alyx…


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I made a pixel art version of him the lazy way. Still works. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh. Seems okay. Still very skeptical and my problems with VR still remain. Def wouldn’t preorder this.

Also Eli’s voice actor died in 2017. The new one is immediately noticeable. Same with Alyx’s new one too. I know she is supposed to be younger but it is jarring. Shame.

The game looks impressive but I’m kind of disappointed they still didn’t do true first person and just went with the floating hands. Yet stuff like reloading weapons requires you to, I imagine pull magazines out of nowhere and stuff, which is already done much better in other games with true first person support and visible items that you actually pick from your gear…

I imagine Linux support will come eventually but probably not by launch, since the whole steam VR thing is still in beta.
As for the pricing, if you have or pick up valve index, the game is free.

Waiting for linux support or a possible valve stand alone headset in the not too distant future. Definitely looks amazing and very promising.

current-gen g-man looks a lot like my boss’ boss

Dood! This game looks scary

Yeah, headcrabs jumping at you in VR is probably brown pants territory.