I'll be fucked if I'm going to pay $70 for this 2 year old goddamn game. I mean $70 isn't a crazy amount of money, but how much was the new Saints Row, 2 years after release? Sleeping Dogs? Any other game ever in existence??
I think I'm going to pirate this one out of principal. Not because I want to play it, don't care for GTA gameplay myself, but just to say that I have the game and pirated it and didn't give Rockstar Games $70 for some pixels on my computer screen.
Is there ANY game released 2 years ago you guys would still pay $70 for? I'm thinking MAYBE The Last of Us or the Walking Dead. MAYBE. But if I wanted to entertain myself for $70 I'd rather spend that much money on a round of golf or skiing.
If I was stoked about the game coming out and it came out on all platforms new all at the same time, I'd totally pay full price for it
I feel like this is Rockstar saying, Hey PC guys, fuck you!
it's used at Gamestop for $44.00. Can they at least hook us up with that deal? I know we'll probably be able to buy a key online from somewhere for 15-30% off on day one, but that's not the point. Rockstar games killin my vibe :(
Sooo why are you going on about this? I do want to play GTA V and if Rockstar did stall in the name of making a more stable and playable game, then by all means stall. If the release is fucked up, then I'd have some major issues.
Now I'm not trying to defend rockstar, they already made me pretty pissed about RDR not coming to PC, and the cash grab of making GTA V for last gen consoles, knowing full well that they would release the game again for the new ones. I don't even own a console and I think that's bullshit.
But I digress. If GTA V is going to be a polished release then I have no issue with it.
There's no way they are going to make GTA 5 substantially improved over what has already been released. Rockstar knows hype and the ability to tinker around with the settings and potentially mod it or whatever other minor perks PC guys get is going to push sales. If they are going to add anything major to the game it's probably going to come to all platforms, or 8th gen at least.
What if Valve released HL3 for the PC, priced at $60, waited 2 years, and released it on consoles for $60? We wouldn't hear the end of it from the ps4 and xbox guys!!! PC gamers are just expected to take whatever garbage releases we get and hold them to the highest esteem as if it was some huge privilege for it to come out on the PC in the first place.
Value is subjective in this case. I think the price is worth it because I think GTA 5 is a good game (played it a bit on a friend's console). The fact that the game has been out on consoles since 2013 doesn't bother me. I didn't buy it on console.
You have a very different opinion and that's fine. Vote with your wallet. "Pirating out of principal" doesn't really do anything, especially if you were never going to play it in the first place. In that case, you were never going to be a customer anyway, so there's no damage done to Rockstar.
Point is - don't worry about it. You probably have better games to play :)
I guess there is a lot of anger in this post. You have to understand the decision to keep the game full price.
A. it is still really popular game still selling at the full retail price elsewhere. So why should they make concessions to the PC version on price? Your argument relates to Saints Row and Sleeping Dogs. That was the publishers decision to release those games on PC for less money.
B. The amount of graphic options available to you, blow the water out of the way of 'standard port'.
C. They will give us all the free updates GTA Online has had.
For the amount of work they put into making the PC optimizations, I will pay them back with another 60 dollars. Also it is all up to them to decide on price. Heck there was the 25% off in the game deals on Tek Syndicates website front page. So why complain so much?
"One of the lessons we have learned over the years through Grand Theft Auto IV and Max Payne 3 on PC was that people want the freedom to configure their system to suit their preferences," says Kevin Hoare, president of Rockstar Toronto. "Our focus for Grand Theft Auto V was to ensure most people could run the game comfortably, and provide a wide range of options to tailor your experience to your system."
Preview Impression of the game running at 4K with two GTX 980s
You can justify your copyright infringement in any way you like. It's still copyright infringement and Rockstar doesn't owe you anything. I am happy to see that they consider the PC as a platform again. The best way to make sure their games find its way to the PC is to buy their games. There is a reason they delay the PC release and that reason is "piracy".
Studios that does multi platform releases have realized that if they release the game on all platforms at the same time, they sell less copies for all platforms than if they release console first with a delay on PC. Can you figure out what is going on? It is not rocket science.
I probably won't actually pirate it, hell I probably won't even touch the game. Everyone and their dog and their dog's dog are releasing GTA clones, I'm quite sick of the genre. I just wanted to make a point.
The best way to make that point is to not buy the game. I do understand where you're coming from with it, I won't deny that. But it's just the least effective way to get the point through.
Jesus if you are paying $70 a game as a PC gamer than you are really doing it wrong. I mean with how cheap games are these days why don't you have a back log that would last you the next 10 years? Do you not know about steam/amazon/gog/GMG..etc sales at all? Complaining about PC game prices in 2015 just makes you look silly. wait 2 months and it will be $20 during the steam summer sale for fucks sake.
You pirating out of principal? what does R* owe you? nothing that's right. plus the only thing R* will see is some Dbag on the internet stealing their game. nothing more nothing less. the message you think you are sending them wont be the one they get. You should man up and send a real message don't buy it, don't steal, don't even talk about it. the second you steal it and start playing is the time you lost your battle. R* will only see you as the Dbag that stole their totally awesome game. show them their totally awesome game is not even worth stealing or talking about. if its good enough to play its good enough to pay for. especially if you just wait 2 months and get it for 1/3 of the starting price. paying full price for games these days is just the suckers tax. because waiting another 2 months for the price drop isn't going to make the game any different or worse(might be better because of patches)
I got a full retail disk copy for 40$ from target back in November. I always liked the Gta series am I'm going to have a blast playing it @1080p 60FPS.
It's been accessible on some platforms for almost 2 years yes, but for the pc it hasn't. I've played it on console and it is a good bit of fun that a majority of the pc community have not experienced. So why wouldn't people be hyped up? Something fun is coming there way, even if they are experiencing it later then most. It shouldn't matter when you experience something, because the thing you experience should still be as good if its a piece of content that is really excellent. I wasn't even alive when the original star wars came out, but I still fell in love with the characters and story years later because the movies are that good.
Friend of mine bought and played GTA5 on PS3 and has now already pre-ordered and downloaded it for PC as well. And he paid full price for both. Why? Because in his opinion it's a really good game and worth it (to him anyways) to pay for the PC version as well to re-experience the game on PC.
For myself, I never pay full price for any game (not in a very long time anyways) and it's the same with GTA5. Used a 22% off voucher and am now pre-downloading it as I type this.
As Sumthin already said, value is subjective when it comes to games and we all have different preferences. If you don't think it's worth paying that much for, then wait for a sale. You can get it for 22% off on GMG right now as I did.
I agree with you entirely. It's rare now to see a dev team put this much effort into porting a game over to pc the RIGHT way. I had the chance to try it out on xbox one a few weeks ago and aside from the controller burning the flesh off my fingers and palms it was decent looking for console. With my xfired 290's and 144Hz refresh rate its going to be absolutely beautiful. I like the ability to preload the game as well so there will be minimal waiting time on launch day. To everyone thats angry/generally butthurt about the delay, yes it sucks but does anyone want a repeat of battlefield 3/4? Probably not and good things take time AND were getting like 1 and a half million dollars to start with due to the delay at no cost or anything as well as all the extras at least to this point. I'm excited
Again, how are you mad about the 60 dollar price point with the amount of DLC they have packed into the game for free since launch? GTA V online is not just going to be shoot em up, but lots of experimentation with building maps, similar to how GTA IV and Skyrim handle mods, I feel is going to come up.
A publisher/the creator has the right to set any price they like. I don't know if you have ever written an article, made art or put something out into the world that you claim ownership of. When someone steals that and gives nothing back to you. The feeling can be so sour, and it is why we have ended up in a DRM influenced system. I'm paraphrasing from Lawrence and Joel at Funhaus in a podcast I think from a few weeks back. I forget what episode it was though.
I know that feeling, because I have put something out into the world for others to take in.