Main purpose is mostly multi tasking. Gaming + multimedia + coding at the same time. Already a good build for it but playing vrc and bf4 and a few hundred firefox tabs gets the gpu to 98%
I don’t see anything on the high end 10 series going bad within the next 3-4 years as far as 1080 or 1440 gaming goes. 1080 Ti for $500 is still the best value card you can buy right now.
That’s a paid synthetic benchmark that doesn’t reflect real world usage. Things like heavy overclocks will be in those results. It’s not an accurate representation of real world performance.
Having said that, if you want to get a 5700xt then the cards to get are the sapphire, gigabyte, and Asus (new tuf evo). Everything else should be treated as junk until AIBs get their shit together.
All at once? The cure for tabs slowing down a system is usually more ram. You could leave a resource monitor open to see if you’re close to running out. It shouldn’t really stress the GPU that much.
Take it from the guy who dropped a grand on a 2080 Ti:
Working from the Gamers Nexus charts (thanks MazeFrame), you’re looking at a rough 10 FPS gain. That’s…not much for $400. Keep in mind that the GN charts are true in the absence of any other bottlenecks—overclocked Intel chip, no tabs open, and more memory to boot. With anything else stressing the system, the difference will be even less.
And yes, synthetic benchmark bad. Gamers Nexus has a very refined procedure for gathering correct and repeatable data. This way, you also know for sure that you’re testing a gaming workload, not rendering or deep learning or something.
If I was you, I would wait for the 30 series from Nvidia. Get whatever card is around the $500 price point and enjoy a meaningful performance uplift. Assuming the 30 series is good (likely).
As a guy with a water blocked 2080ti… I would have to agree I would just stick with that 1070 for a little longer… but who am I to tell him how to live his life