What’re your thoughts on the memo “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber” as it has gone viral these last few days? The memo discussed the issue of diversity and the way that Google is currently trying to resolve the issue of imbalance of men and women in Google’s tech roles.
The author believes that the current techniques are harmful, and goes on to say that men and women are different, and that therefore it is illogical for there to be an even balance between the number of men and women in tech roles.
The author has since been fired for the article, and CEO Sundar Pichai has cut his holiday short to immediately return to the company.
"much of what was in that memo is fair to debate, regardless of whether a vast majority of Googlers disagree with it. However, portions of the memo violate our Code of Conduct and cross the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes in our workplace. " Sundar Pichai
The dude ain’t completely wrong, but it was written in a really off-putting manner. He hit on a lot of great points, but it reads like a neckbeard manifesto.
Interesting from the parts I’ve read. Seems fairly well thought out and composed. Ill finish reading it later this evening. Maybe I’ll have my wife read it without a preface and see what her thoughts are.
What’s more disturbing is the leaked screenshots of internal discussions by “known leftist managers” who are discussing the creation of “blacklists” and talking about actively working to get people fire whom happen to have different political opinions than them, and might “create a hostile work environment”.
Because somehow, in some mental gymnastic way, going out of your way to get someone fired for their political beliefs that has nothing to do with the work you are doing, is not creating a hostile work environment.
Racism, Misogyny, and “bigotry” are to the modern left, what communists were to Senator Joe McCarthy.
It’s not a spectacular source, however it’s worth looking into to see whether or not it is fake.
Just saying that as a disclaimer, if it’s real then it’s extraordinarily damaging.
As I said, I am questionable of the source, but even a broken clock is correct every now and then. And based on my own work experience with “liberal progressives” I am entirely inclined to believe it.
They even mention trying to delist Sargon of Akkad in search results.
“I can tell you this: I have read internal mailing list e-mail from SJWs absolutely incensed that there’d be, say, a Sargon of Akkad video appearing as a video related to one of their favorite SJW vloggers. This is what happens when you have unbiased algorithms, which at the time, was true. I don’t have to tell you that, in that e-mail, the SJW was quite literally asking that the related videos function be perverted so that such a thing would stop happening.”
Some of the issues that it focusses on has come up in my work before and with people (women mainly) I know in other areas ( science and technology). The conclusions were always the same, they don’t want preferential treatment in any way.
In fact they felt that doing anything like that simply undermines their work and illigitimaises there position in the work place. The woman all wanted their work and job (including education when at uni) to be accepted based on the work they do and not based on who or what they are.
These were first hand accounts, I would imagine someone must have looked at this as a proper study…?
(On a side note, obviously this is potentially a controversial topic, remember to be constructive and thoughtful in how you are trying to convey your thoughts.)
This video says it best. As somebody that is starting to reluctantly identify as conservative, (Going from Liberal to Conservative feels like going from religious to atheist) It’s nice to find somebody of a conflicting walk of life share a view, but she has a different idea of a solution that I wouldn’t have thought of. I’m one of those Fox news guys “CNN=Fake News” and “Fuck ‘Diversity’, You can’t just artificially change the penis to vagina ratio, why can’t we just have a Meritocracy?”. But, she has a solution of offering flexible hours and reducing job stress.
This is why I’m very much for a diversity of ideas rather than superficial stuff like skin colour, sexuality and reproductive organs.
All liberal is supposed to mean is that you are willing to entertain new ideas, it doesn’t have to mean anything about what those ideas are (to an extent.).
The point is to avoid extremes, and to see how extremes destroy societies, and how it doesn’t f**king matter what extreme it is.
Contains JPEG’s of screen shots of managers orchestrating a smear campaign against the guy. I don’t know how to verify their legitimacy (or even if that can be done)
This is my main problem with all of this. Someone has an opinion about social things and tries to argue, delivers stats and studies and is probably pretty open for discussion inside the company. Someone else leaks it and the author gets fired.
It’s not just being anti-SJW and anti-Racebait, I’m also anti-Socialism. Though I benefit from socialism, but next chance I get, I’m cutting that umbilical cord
This is literally the main 2 points of the alt-right. Freedom of association and recognizing real biological differences in every individual and group of people.
And of course, fired for his beliefs while liberal kill squads still go around ruining people’s careers every other day. No one should be surprised by this sadly.
Especially when you’ve got the CEO of YouTube talking about insane things like masnplaining and sexism everyday in America.
It seems that the majority of people here are disappointed with Google’s response to the memo. How much of the memo do you agree with and/or disagree with?
For example, one of the ideas brought forth by the author includes the following:
We can make software engineering more people-oriented with pair programming
and more collaboration. Page 5
Do you think that the technology industry should make efforts such as this to try to encourage diversity? Do you believe the industry should make any effort at all to promote diversity?
Promote diversity, as actual diversity is good for your company, hire the best candidate available regardless of their background and when you do you will end up with a mixed team. As long as everyone is professional it won’t matter what their political beliefs are.
Avoid cargo cult diversity that is literally just skin deep, don’t hire based on traits that are merely skin color or place of birth, sure your team looks very diverse but might be entirely mono cultural, this may lead to clashes when a different culture or political view is encountered.