Getting Ati DX11 or Waiting for NVIDIA?

I was just wondering if you guys are going to buy ATI's DX11 cards now or are you going to wait for NVIDIA's?I myself am waiting for NVIDIA because I love opengl and physx and the driver support.

trolling troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll ATi Nvidia troll homosexual marriage troll troll troll abortion troll troll troll religion troll troll troll Xbox troll troll PS3 troll troll troll troll ask this question again troll troll frank retarded snowman humorous troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll troll.

im waiting for nvidia

1Â Â Â cus i hav no money for a card now

2Â and because nvidia will wait and come out with a better card

i just spent a grand today a guitar center.. so i dont think ill be getting either...

it suxs

I'm waiting for some price drops. No point in getting them near release when they will drop in price a while after.

Wait for nvidia, price of ati drops, then get an ATI price performance is better for me

pretty much what agenda says
wait till nvidia
which will get ati to drop prices so you get a great card for less
and heck myabe nvidia might come out with a better card and if it costs are affordable or comparable then go for it.

nvidia, as much as i like ATis cards i need to see what nvidia is baking.

Now, heres the thing. Wait for nvidia, EVEN IF you want an ati card. There's no doubt nvidia is going to have better prices if you ask me, and then ati will be forced into price drop. Same thing happened last time with the 200 series and the 4xxx series. Competition is awesome for prices.

lol what did you buy, it better be an amp if its 1 grand.... guitars above 800$ to me are only that much for looks.

When do you guys think NVIDIA will release their new cards?

Thanks for contributing

early november to like early december. maybe if god is happy late october

i got this little guy as well as a couple new cables

as far as the guitar thing it really depends on the guitar, but generraly the 800 dollar point really seems to be roughly where guitars start costing more and more for smaller gains in tone. the more expensive guitars have much nicer cuts of wood but by 800 dollars you tend to have nice action, pickups like emgs, duncans ect, and a decent piece of wood.

Read somewhere earlier that they're delayed to 2010 now

I wouldn't expect the Fermi based cards until February.

I'd wait if only to see what's going to be released.

Same here. If you bought GPU card long enough
you'll get the hang at when Nvidia is likely to release their next card.
Q1 2010 and maybe some light on it for CompUTech.

Frankly, I'm suprise so many people are interested in 5870 & gtx380 series card.
GPU now days are such over kill for the game we have today.
Unless most of you game at 2560 x 1600 or really into 3dmark.

I myself bought a 5970 already and sold it on ebay for a nice profit.
What I can assume is Nvidia might sell GTX380 card at a lower
price point or on par @ $599. In which you must pre-order the card
as it will sell quickly. Its just like the 8800 when it first came out,
and like now the 5870.

I personally look more forward toward USB 3.0 & SATA 3.0R base MOBO from INTEL.
Slap that with SATA 3.0R HDD. As Gigabyte already release one for AMD mobo.

I want PCI E 3.0 nowwwwwwwwww  @ bsan89  I'm also going to wait till Jan to go i7 or i5 because the upcoming 32nm i5's i7's and i3's seem very interesting.

I was so fucking wrong, SHIT.