Gaming and Married life

So I've been asking myself lately how to get that perfect balance between marraige and my favorite past time gaming. I do want to include that the time i spend on gaming is roughly 5-6 hours a week ( if I'm lucky). As a teacher by trade my summers are off and those times will increase seeing as I really don't have much to do and South Texas is hot AF durig the summer. I do enjoy other hobbies like exercise and shooting guns because I am from Texas after all, it would be weird if I didn't own at least three guns.

But back to my question how do you guys/gals balance being married and keeping up with your favorite game/s? What kind of problems if any have you encountered and how did you guys resolve it.?


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With me it's the other way around, my wife is the gamer here. I'm not that much of a gamer lol, I like to know and do stuff, I like to do the technical setup and support at LAN's, I like to make stuff and learn about everything, I'm more interested in learning how stuff works and how to make stuff work than actually consuming the end product of that stuff. So what does a poor wife do when her husband only has eyes for the backstage, for the technical stuff, for the hardware? Well, in our case, she games, she is the multimedia product consumption specialist. She provides me with the tl;dr of what the technical measures actually bring in terms of production value from the consumption side of things. I get bored with multimedia consumption, whether games or movies or whatever else, super quickly, I just die of boredom after minutes of multimedia consumption lol, and my wife can do that all day every day. The point of convergence is that we discuss the multimedia consumption experience, and everybody's happy. I don't appologise for being fascinated with technology and creativity, she doesn't have to appologise for being a gamer and movie maniac. That's balance right there lol!


Just keep playing until your wife starts sending passive aggressive text messages saying it'd be great if you gave me attention like mine.


Send her on a quest in which she has to source various ingredients that are scattered all over the land and put them between 2 slices of bread. When she completes it, give her another one where she has to collect rare bottles of ale from different breweries.


You picked real winner bro. Happy you guys have a balance. I like how you phrased the multimedia consumption expert, and my wife does plenty of that in regards to netflix and other streaming on demand video services but she does not seem to have any interest in the games I enjoy. I typically have to play when she falls asleep during the summer which means late nights, and I'm not a young kid anymore.

You sir have earned a golden star, beautiful suggestion!

10/10 Great comment is great. Well done good sire I commend your genius.

Not married, but while I was dating I was lucky my boyfriend had any background in gaming. I think you just have to be lucky that the person will get it :3

I work M-F so to game during the week just isnt feasible for me. I also tend to drink (a lot) when I play, and therefore stay up too late. I stick to friday nights that way I'm good to get shit done by sunday. Rinse repeat. My wife usually doesnt care about my friday night binge.

At first she would bug me to come to bed but I talked to her about how its one day out of the week and it doesnt interfere with other aspects of life. I explained how I still get everything done. She admitted she doesnt see any problem since it doesnt conflict with anything else we have going on. It sucks I can only game one day a week but such is adult life.

Short answer: you don't :P

I'm currently playing Deus Ex: MD in 20-minute increments, which is especially terrible if you are a completionist.

Wives? Women? Females? What are those? I always assumed they were myths or stories told to frighten children....

Seriously though, I think it all comes down to communication....and not the passive aggressive kind either. If you're not ignoring your significant other, or you're not neglecting your duties as a husband and "man of the house" then it should be fine, as long as you have established an understanding. I'm told relationships and especially marriage is all about give and take. Everyone here seems to have a fairly good balance of play and "life duties" so nothing seems too far off the rails. I mean if you're spending 40 hours a week gaming and everything else goes to the wayside...then you've got an issue.


Starting to play Witcher 3 and it is difficult to keep it in increments when the world is so massive and the story so riveting. This will be my journey 1 hour at a time.

We work well. Like PB&j we both do our own thing and when we want to spend time with one another we give time to each other. If I'm busy she waits till I'm done and I reciprocate that. Plan mini vacations or weekly date night. We also ride bicycles after work a few days a week.

I currently have 1600 hr in Ark Survival.

Kids make the system fucked. So maybe don't do that.

Take it form someone who was married (she left me and what not) one thing that worked well though was find a game that the both of you can play. For us it was rocket league. She wouldn't play it a lot but she would play occasionally and I would let her wear the headset and talk to everyone on team speak for me. She enjoyed those nights

Damn kids!

Level 1 - you're a kid, gaming is fine
Level 2 - you're a teenager, shouldn't you be doing homework?
Level 3 - you're in your twenties, aren't you a bit old for that?
Level 4 - in a relationship, wouldn't you prefer to watch this rubbish with me?
Level 5 - married, you'd rather not spend time with me?
Boss Level - married with kids ... what's gaming again?

But, more seriously, and like others have said, it's all communication and give and take.
Generally my gaming time happens when the kids are in bed (they're still young) and my wife is out. I get about 3 hours a week. Which is better than nothing.


It's a hobby that I like doing, and am going to do it. Its no different than bowling league or baseball or whatever. We're both adults and need our own time to do our own things. And when I'm doing my own thing she has to entertain herself.

We both respect each other's needs so it works out pretty well.

We still do date night and stuff, but by no means do we spend hours together every single day.


I agree that it's a hobby like anything else but gaming carries with it a negative stigma when you get older. Bowling and softball leaguers are widely more accepted as adult past times than staying home and wrecking ppl online or journeying across some distant land in a video game.

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that has to budget their time when it comes to gaming.

Bought a little computer stand to replace the tv stand and moved my main gaming rig to the master bedroom.
She actually likes watching me game and is perfect for when she watches Real Housewives or Gilmore Girls
She does get a little jealous of the fun I have in the Lounge, I share more and more the animated gifs that make me laugh with her.
I wear cheap headphones and never listen to the audio when playing multiplayer.
Getting to drawn into gaming too much is very easy to do, just like upgrading cough, ryezen cough:)
Never let gaming get in the way of praying and reading my Bible. (it has)
Now that I think of it spending too much time in the Lounge is allot worse then too much time gaming :)
The hobby is actually cheap compared to some other hobbies, like amateur astronomy or ham radio.
Doing the dishes, breakfast in bed, admitting she is right (when she ain't) and taking out the trash covers a multitude of sins.


The last lady I was engaged to and lived with for quite a few years loved gaming and so did I but because I guess there wasn't enough love between us we never game much together. LOL! Now when things were good in the relationship the main problem was I was a WOW raider and so I never made the time to game with her but the thing is she also didn't ask me to do any gaming that she wanted to do. I mean we did other wonderful stuff together outdoors with my son and daughter at times but the gaming situation eh should have been a sign I should have left her sooner. I have made the mistake in my life staying with people I really am not compatible with and I promised myself quite a few years ago now I'd never do it again and I haven't. Now as for my ex-fiancee I ask her to come over and game when she is bored even though we are separated and she still won't do it often enough and the funny thing is I think it would damn well relax her if she did. She has enough issues dealing with my son and so spending time gaming with me would do her a world of good but whatever.