Games that you play a lot that other people don't even know the existence of?

How is the alpha so far for Unreal Tournament? Been thinking about trying the game out once I'm done with class for the semester as I am interested in trying out arena shooters.

AdventureQuest - One of my favorites in high school because it wasn't blocked on the school's LAN. Sadly, I can't go back and revisit my character because I don't remember my login info and back then you didn't need an email to make an account.

MU Online

Conquer Online

Deicide Online

Knight Online - Probably the first MMORPG I really put a lot of time into., back when it was like a Sims type game.

A buncha text-based online RPG's, but the only ones I can even remember the names of are Crimson Moon and Mafia. The others I have no clue. One was a fantasy type world with a mostly white theme and sprite art style. The other one disappeared, and since it was the main one I played, that kind of ended text-based games for me. This was probably around like 2006.


Just found the name of the one I played most in a list of old online games! It's called Marcoland.

I used to play way too much Privateer Gemini Gold and still to this day advertise it to people wo want a PROPER space adventure. I wasn't surprised that no mans sky was fuck all, it wasn't privateer \ Wing comander!

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Nice to see someone else playing UT. Too many times people have gone 'isn't that game x years old?' when I tell them I'm playing UT.

There's stuff like Battlezone (which was recently released as 98 Redux) and Recoil that are great tank games I always replay. Me and my brother also tend to get together and play Warzone 2100 (which is now apparently free and open source? :O


Ksp but it getting more known lately

Team Buddies! I remember having it on a demo, played the crap out of it

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Shores of Hazeron, best space game ever imo.

its also a city builder/strategy game.

Secret Hitler is what I have been playing with friends. It is fantastic.


you can now buy a boxed version at

loved that game and the clone campaigns expansion. I realllllllly wish they'd let someone like skybox labs make an HD version of it like they did with AoE2. Its the same exact game engine iirc and it would be glorious to play in HD. I guess whoever owns the rights (Disney now?) doesn't like money :(

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what about the tabletop simulator version?


I've never played it digitally and forgot about table top simulator, but that is how I found out about it. Seems like a good way to play if you and friends have table top simulator and are not near each other.

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Starsiege and Tribes.... just got Starsiege in box, I love those games. (Ps2 Tribes 2 demo being my first notion of them, which is bad ass btw)

You can get them for free (legally) from Good Guy HIREZ but back in the day Boxs/manuals where badass

Revelations The Demon Slayer on GBC.

One of my favorite games and I've never met another person who has played it.

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Will have to look that up, love Gameboy games

Reminds me, Dragon warrior monster 1&2 for GB/GBC was an addiction when I was younger....
better than Pokemon imo, but I don't know many that played it (well anyone who has)

It's like a combo between the 2. You have 3 human characters then can catch(persuade) monsters to join you, and later on you can combine monster to make more powerful ones.

Kinda like Jade Cocoon then?

Kind of yea

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Lego Bionicle for GBA was amazing

Paradise Cracked

Wouldn't say I play it a lot anymore, but it's one of those obscure ones I sunk a lot of time into years ago.

Probably War game: Red Dragon, Battlefleet Gothic Armada, and Elegy For A Dead World.