Games like Stalker?

Don't get me wrong.

I like all of them, compared to most other games. They're generally more fun to play, and have more replayability than most of what is out on the market.

The only problem I have/had with 3 and 4, where that the story was lack-luster. I like that they are "shooters" (fallout 4 being more of a shooter than anything else in the franchise) but they need to remember that story is king in a single player shooter.

Options, options, options. I don't like what they did to the brotherhood in Fallout 4. They made them stupid again. Yes, controlling and possessing technology is what the brotherhood has always been about (except for Fallout 3), but they are stupid.

They are asking for their own destruction with their behavior. Their survival instinct would seem to be rather broken. Any group that says "we must have all the technology and kill anyone who doesn't give it up" is just asking for it. They are, techno-fascists which is basically a death sentence unto itself.

Where is my option to kill the brotherhood leader and take over for myself, so that I can align the railroad, watchmen, and brotherhood in one penultimate battle against the institute? Where is my option to negotiate some sort of agreement with the three factions who have a common enemy? Sure the Brotherhood and Railroad might seem to be enemies, but all it will take is an agreement of the railroad saying "we won't make anymore synths", and the Brotherhood saying "we won't kill you simply for what you are".

The story wasn't believable, because the three factions are FAR too extremist in a post-apocalypse scenario. Building a strong society would be more important than simple ideological differences in such a situation.

It's almost similar to what Bioware did to Revan, based on a book written by some moron who based his book on a half-completed game.

Yes, the butthurt is strong with this one.