Anybody hear of any games coming out that are like stalker? I heard that some people are rumoring a fallout New Vegas remaster. But that is just more for the rpg driven crowd. And remasters are a sign of things going horribly stale in my opinion.
Escape from tarkov has one of the stalker devs on the team and it looks pretty good.
Fallout :U
Wow escape from tarkov really looks amazing. I am loving all the detail that went into everything. It's seems like I would need an i5 to run it at least with a 1060 on minimum specs. I don't care if it is not post apocalyptic. Fallout has done that to death and Bethesda is horrible with it. And the genre is weaning. I think that these devs will carve out the survival genre well for themselves and hold the crown for a while.
Metro series but without the hub worlds.
the metro series comes to mind. get the remasters though, the originals have terrible optimization problems.
Well, they were using Gameworks...
I believe some of the people, who made the Stalker games went away to form 4A and make the Metro series.
I remember back in the day, Stalker was taunted as the huge open world game, so Fallout is probably a better fit in that regard, but i would say Metro is more of a stalker feel, than actual mechanics...
Should have just used advertised or teased...
hm... Now i wonder what word was i looking for...
the word you were looking for is "touted" I think.
also he implied he wasnt looking for rpgs, so fallout was right out
I never played Fallout 3 as an RPG... But i see your point...
Fallout 4 i hate passionately, so that's out the window immediately...
Yeah... One "N" difference... And spelling, but i learned English from TV and music and stuff, so yeah... One "N" difference :D
I dislike any fallout that isn't a crpg.
tfw you realize I was taunting you for touting taunted as touted
i'm confused...
that's English for you
Definitely the Metro series.
I really hope the next one, which has been confirmed, ends up being open world. They could do it exactly like STALKER. Have the various stations in The Metro act as hubs, and set it up so you can go back and forth between them and whatnot.
But yeah. Metro is wonderful.
You could also try the STALKER Lost Alpha mod, or any of the other total-revamp/conversion mods.
stalker would be better with DS-like bonfires, you're 100% right.
Not sure if sarcasm or serious.
But yeah I think it can be done, and done well. Maybe along the way from one station to another you see a path that is not yet available to you. Perhaps a rusty old door that needs a key? that kind of thing.
And then of course, there is the surface.....
honestly a dark souls spin that was urbex themed would make me cream my pants.
look up rust for new vegas and frost for fallout 4. completely overhauls everything. also check out dayz.
Same here. Can you imagine all the shit they could do with that?
Nazi outposts or strongholds, Communist outposts and strongholds, mutant overrun bunkers, bunkers so heavily irradiated that not even mutants can survive? Not to mention being able to go back to a station and see first-hand how your helping them (or not) affected them.
It would be fucking amazing if they took a long ass time and made a shit load of content. Honestly if I was rich, I would throw money at them and give them like 5 or 6 years to make it.