Game Recommendations


Basic introduction, I'm looking to invest into some video games that I know I'll love, I don't want to invest into too many indie video games, because I have at least 100 of them, quite literally, I have around 200 games in my Steam library. I do enjoy some indie games, but I don't want only indie games, like battle block theatre is great and all, but I could do with less games like that accumulating in my library, or so that's how I feel.

My Favourites

I'm mostly looking for some great RPG style games, I'm in love with Oblivion and Risen at the moment, can anyone recommend anything somewhat similar to these two games. However I also love games like space engineers and medieval engineers, again anyone able to recommend a game similar to either of those two games, that would be great. I enjoy all kinds of games, anything from a good FPS (Which my library seems to be lacking) to a good RTS game, but I'd have to say that turn based games like Civ and RPG's like Risen and Oblivion, they're above all my favourites. I also love games similar to Diablo, like the Torchlight games.


I've heard of a game called Gothic, but I read up that it had awful reviews, but I've also read elsewhere that it's like Risen in a lot of ways. I also read a review that Risen 2 is bad, for some reason, but I have Risen and Risen 3, should I consider investing into Risen 2 as well? Just complete the package? Are there any decent FPS games out these days, I remember I loved playing COD MW2, but I haven't even looked at the COD games since that one, and everyone I know says that the COD series has just gone down hill since MW2.

FYI. I only included the titles just to make the formatting a little nicer, they're not really that relevant.

=== EDIT: I also loved playing Dark Souls, the original one, but apparently II and III are hardly different?
I also forgot to include that I love a good racing game, I love Grid II, and I'd love to buy one of the Dirt games, but they're a bit expensive atm, so I'm just gonna wait for those to go on sale, or at least they were expensive last time I checked.

As for a bit of an unrelated topic, has anyone got the Das keyboard 4 professional clicky (cherry mx blue)? If so, I'd just like to know what it's like to use for gaming? I mean I'm not a HUGE gamer, but I do love a good gaming session. I mean I'd buy a keyboard for work related purposes over gaming purposes any day of the year. I'm just curious.

You may like Dragons Dogma, really good story, it has a system called 'The Pawn' system where your companion learns how to fight monsters and adapt to your play style. It's made by the orginal Devil May Cry team, so the combat is really decent, too. And RPG.

Sounds awesome, I'll have to look into it I guess. Could you personally recommend any other games from any other genres by any chance?

If I skim my steam list now, and pick out games that I generally enjoyed playing:
Alan Wake
Alien Isolation
Batman Series
Borderlands Series (Really fun if you play it with someone)
BioShock Infinite
Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Cold Fear
Crysis, and the second
Devil May Cry 3, 4
DmC, this one gets a bad rap, but it is actually a decent game. Just not as complex as 4
Dragon Age series
The Evil Within
FEAR, the original ones were really good
Lost Planet and the second one, second one is really fun played with friends (up to 4)
Mass Effect series
Max Payne series
Metal Gear Rising
Metal Gear Solid V
Resident Evil 5, again really fun to play with someone
Saints row series, another one that is super fun to play with someone
Sleeping Dogs
Vampire Masquerade

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Dragon age origins. The sequels were a bit sub par..

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Hand of fate and Guild of Dungeoneering are some nice games I love... Have a lot of rpg elements and are essentially dungeon crawlers...
You probably know that, but I will always recommend Dark Souls 1 to everyone so try it out...

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I would invest into that game, but before I converted over to PC gaming, I played the holly crap out of that game on the good ol' PS3, I also played through all of the add ons and I played the second one, but you're right, the first one was by far the best.

I'm gonna have to look those two up, simply because of the fact that I've never even heard of them! :)

Yeah, it's a really fun game to be fair, I completed that with one of my friends on console too, but funny fact because I enjoyed it so much, I bought it on PC too! ;)

I can't tell you how much I appreciate that reply, I'm gonna have a look at some of those games, I've hear of the majority, but I haven't played them nor have I seen them been played by anyone.

I loved Crysis II, I have Crysis III but I have yet to complete that. I'm pretty sure that I played the first one too, I can't remember though, I've played so many games when I think about it, it's actually hard to keep track now! XD

But it's always fun to play something new and something with a totally different story line to what you're used to.

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Also, I have posted a game in the "guess the videogame" thread, and that is an interesting option as well... When someone guess it I will tell you the name...

Funny enough Hand of Fate is currently on sale! :D

Still? The sale should have been over by now...

Never-mind, my Steam just didn't update, I went to put it in my basket then I saw, full price! :L

the pc version had top view, which is missing from the console versions. makes the game entirely different. I played this on my old amd phenom ii 550 and 4890 build back in 2010 so I may have rose tinted glasses on how the game was. it's definitely up their with the best games i've played ever.

If you like Torchlight and Diablo try out Grim Dawn. As for RPG's, Skyrim, Witcher Series, Fallout, Divinity Original Sin, Pillars of Eternity and Wasteland 2.

OP for the right price there is nothing wrong with the cheese that is the Gothic series and Two Worlds. If you like action RPGs get them. Heck they were giving Two Worlds and maybe even Two Worlds II away for free on one site at one point. As for other RPGs at the moment my mind is on other things so I can't say more than I just did but despite all the flaws with Gothic and Two Worlds they still can be fun.

Damn, I never new that, I just looked it up on Google Images, and it does look entirely different to be fair, may actually consider buying this game, plus I could imagine me easily doing it over again, I played it like 10 times through on Console, tried out different races and different classes. I mostly played as a dwarf warrior though (Not gonna lie, I don't even remember the different races/classes). I remember Dargon Age II was a huge let down though, I had such high hopes for it considering Origins was so good.

Yeah, I've noticed that Risen has a fair amount of flaws, I keep getting one bug, it can be kinda funny though, cause it's as easy as pressing F9 to fix it. But it can also be annoying when I'm really immersed into the game.

Paper Sorcerer. You are a sorcerer, trapped in a book and you are trying to escape the book.
Check it out. It's a nice game...

Divinity Original Sin is worth a buy if you have yet to play it. If you like rpgs, you'll love that game.

I like getting games on GOG over steam if I can