So my freenas usb died on me and now i have had to install freenas on another usb to see if i can recover my data.
I have imported the zfs pool via the shell and it said that it was good and that my pool was imported. But how to i get my volumes and by extension my data to appear? I am quite a noob at Freenas and am just learning. If anyone of you could help me i would be extremly gratefull
It should be said that my problem occurs when i go into the web gui and try to use the "Import voulme" option. Here nothing shows up, even though i have imported my zfs pool
i used the "zfs list" command and my pools seem to be imported(I can see them in a list). and freenas seems to say that the pool has been imported, i have gotten as far as
zpool import -f Vault (My pool is called Vault)
But i don't really know where to go from here, and sorry if i am being stupid but i can't really see what the guide you linked(Thanks) wants me to do
Sounds like they just need to be mounted. Easiest way might be to reboot? Or from the shell mount each dataset individually. If the don't automagically mount, check the mountpoint and canmount settings of the pools, and if necessary create the required directories to mount to?
[ignore me, @tkoham had the right command. I originally thought of: after the zfs mount -a didn't throw an error, I'd check with "Df" in case it silently worked but it's redundant now]