Free as in Free Time

LMFTFY MS 360 stack (cuz you know that shit isnt up 365)

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It’s “OK”. I can work with it and the whole company uses it. If i’d set it up, i would use something else, but in the end, i can do my job.

Luckily, i’m only a user in that regard. I wouldn’t want to administrate that shit. man, do i not ever want to do that

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I learned on a SPARCstation so I naturally feel more at home on *NIX systems. I think all the people learning non MAC as had been a Trojan horse for Linux in the development world.

That and not invented here sydrome that plagued them during the Ballmer years. Google and Apple used preexisting kernels and components.

Like I said

I can guarantee I would find something you use you couldn’t make or fully understand yourself. As a thought experiment make a #2 pencil from scratch. The wood, graphite, eraser, and metal: tons of technical expertise and division of labor goes into producing that.

My guess is that is the gift of youth, wealth and/or being single talking. Not everyone has that luxury.

I would if there was reasonablely priced support for People. Google is really the only one doing that. Dell and System 76 do a decent job too.

Very reasonable

I agree with a fair amount of your points but don’t look down on a difference of knowledge. It’s what makes the world work.

Lol. I love this forum

You seem to have missed the point of his post.

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I think he missed mine too though.

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I didn’t miss the point of his post. He can’t get games to work on Windows 10 so he uses an emulator. I’m guessing they’re old games, but that’s irrelevant.

“Use what works” with the implication that if you use proprietary you don’t value your privacy and control.

What works for you might not work for me, which goes back to his original statement of Windows games not working on Windows.

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which is why I qualified ‘my’ games. not ‘it plays games’. It plays MY games.


Yeah, you made a good distinction in all this. Computing should be a selfish endeavor, whether it be for productivity, income, entertainment, education, etc. I got tired real quick of people telling me how I should get work done.

I almost responded to your Ubuntu comment because of some bullshit I’ve been dealing with in this whole netplan garbage. They change shit all the time and it’s infuriating.

Brb going to Slackware.

I was $MAXIMUM_SCREECH when you started talking about RMS and FSF. Then I realized wut u were up 2 :wink:

@SgtAwesomesauce @thro I hope you don’t take my responses in this thread as FOSS shaming. I’m just bouncing in and out and having a joke or two as I wait for OpenBSD to finish installing :wink:


Fucking (capital F) Apple computer

My friend, you will really love some of Rossmann’s other videos. I’ve been binging them for a while now… and I don’t even own a Mac


I have a chromebook, the one with a celeron and 4 gigs of ram.

I can’t say the same about being my favorite, but it’s pretty damn solid and great. The only thing I think they could do better is the Linux Apps compatibility, I think the debian container is kinda stupid, they could just embbed bash into ChroSH and call it a win…

About FOSS it’s kinda simple to me: do it, either partially, tottally or don’t, I personally don’t mind.

I don’t think people should use GNU/Linux only because I use it, I just think people should use it instead of RITZing windows for example, which is quite common in my country.

I like to take a look under the hood and do things “kinda manually” instead of relying so much on win32 api, but that’s just me. I like terminal activities instead of buttons and stupid viruses.

Upstream on dev channel they have GPU support for the container.

my good ol pentium 2… I mean celeron didn’t get on dev channel, only beta :frowning:
with some workarounds I got to code some java, C and some node action, but they’re all workarounds haha

Security through obscurity is a fallacy. From a security perspective, code should be open for inspection. Additionally, legitimate security researchers should not be threatened with lawfare, for responsibly reporting any problems which are discovered.

Same goes for standards. We’ve had one generation after another of vulnerable WiFi encryption specifications, designed in secret, by “experts.” One by one, WPA, WEP and WEP 2 have all been successfully attacked. And, now I hear that a vulnerability has been found in WEP 3 and I haven’t even seen any of this new hardware on store shelves, yet!

I’m not a Libreboot-ing zealot, who rips out all of the propriety firmware and then smiles about having protected muh freedoms, when half of my hardware doesn’t work properly, or at all. But, closed software does pose legitimate security and legal concerns.

Love this OP - IT has too little posts: I am not a racist, but …

Person who values time and long term productivity does not generalize tools, but principles.

Cleaned up the thread a bit, please stay on topic. Thank you.

For one example… This was in 2015 (last time i tried it) - but had display and possibly (its been a while) issues in the GOG version of icewind dale 2 in Windows. Ran perfectly on my Mac.

Windows game.

Nah, i just took it for the trolling that it was…

Nah. Point was, the user experience of “click to download and then run it” for this game worked just fine on both Linux and Mac out of the box, and yet WINDOWS - the platform the damn thing was written for - had issues.

My point is that people hold windows up as some bastion of application compatibility, but the reality is that Windows has a pretty shit record in terms of older game compatibility.

I went through the early 2000s, where basically half of my Windows 9x games stopped working on Windows 2000 and only a 1/4 of those that broke started working again in XP.

I just find it hilarious that a totally different platform running the same software in some volunteer-effort software compatibility layer gets better results in a lot of cases.

And the irony that WINE may actually be of benefit to WINDOWS users.

Thus, In the spirit of the thread - i played IWD2 on my Macbook instead of Windows. Because i have better things to do with my free time than hack windows to run windows software.

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Right, so, you need an emulator to play older games. Got it.

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