Feed the Beast

@TheAlmightyBaconLord @fruitbrut I got kicked out with a modlist. I used the FTB launcher and installed direwolf20 1.10.2. Was there a specific version I was supposed to use?

Direwolf 1.1.3 for MC 1.1.0

There is a version box you can drop down somewhere to select 1.1.3 im using the curse client ATM so idk where it is on the FTB launcher

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Ah. I'll see if that fixes it. See, I'm on Linux, so I can't use curse launcher.

EDIT: For those having issues with FTB launcher, FTB defaults to using 1.0.0 instead of 1.1.3. That will cause problems. Loading in now to confirm.

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AAAAnd now my system is locking up. Not going to fix it right now, time to install windows on an extra SSD.

lol no way! Never tried a linux version of the game. Didn't even know they had one! good luck! I'll be on for a while otherwise ill see you on soon.

I'm almost finished.


I think it's a problem with the AMD drivers... didn't happen at first...

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lol almost there!! saw you d/c

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okay, trying a thing.

INB4 threadjack, now documenting my struggles with getting a simple game to work.

Something doesn't want me joining tonight. I load in, see it start to render stuff and boom: fatal java exception "lang.java.DontLetTheSargePlayTonight"

Did you end up using Curse or FTB launcher for Windows?

FTB windows, it's crashing on login tho. Some sort of java issue right now that's making me want to toss my monitor through the window.

Might try reinstalling my GPU drivers.

OMG the spiders. the unholy trinity of spider spawners.....sent to hell!

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If you are all still looking or interested might I point you toward a mod pack originally developed by Jakimfett (Author who made minechem)
Has a 24/7 Server with Grief protection and everything.
PiTek 2.0 :: https://mods.curse.com/modpacks/minecraft/240520-pitek-2-0