Fedora 25 installation black screen

Ahh, my bad I misunderstood. I tend to do that when multitasking.
I am 99% sure you should be fine. Using a repo so you do not have to manually uninstall and reinstall your driver every update is very nice.

I installed the nvidia drivers and zfs which worked fine but when I copied the os to the zfs pool and set up everything necessary to boot it, it won't boot properly anymore. It takes some time and then it goes into rescue mode. Would it work better if I installed the nvidia drivers after I installed the system on the zpool?

I should have mentioned, Fedora works fine with secure boot. (although you may need to disabled it for propitiatory drivers i cant remember) no idea about GOP though?

Someone else was successful just disabling fast boot, so you might want to re-enable the other two, at the very least that will confirm that it is specifically fast boot causing the problem and makes us closer to fixing it.

As for your other problem, im not that familiar with ZFS, but it may need additional boot parameters

Isn't it neccessary to disable secure boot if you add any kernel modules?
I just tested it and the installer works fine with Fast Boot turned on but when I enable the Windows 8 Feature in my UEFI it stops working. After enabling it, it shows the settings for GOP and secure boot which are disabled but maybe the Windows 8 Feature setting does some other things.
I did the same I did on my notebook which works fine but on my desktop I'm trying install Windows as a secondary OS so that makes it a bit more complicated.

Disabling fastboot allowed me to boot the newest kernel (4.10.x). Once I was into Fedora, to run VMware I had to run on XOrg. Otherwise, VMware wouldn't open. Lastly, I had to disable hardware acceleration on my Windows 7 configs to get my Windows 7 VM to run (it would blackscreen).

I did not have to change secureboot. I have intel graphics and didn't need any secondary repos (so far still have to go in today and work/see what else broke.).

Hopefully, that info is helpful.

Hm seems there's two different things in the bios for each of you causing the problem?

@DennisG1 @cotton do you have skylake CPUs?

Id also suggest updating the but report in the OP with your info and workarounds. No idea if itll help but more info is better than none.

I started from scratch today because I didn't know how to solve the problems I had yesterday. I have Windows installed on one partition on my SSD, created a zpool on another partition and followed the guide I mentioned earlier. I installed Fedora on another drive, copied the OS to the zpool but instead of formating the EFI partiton and copying it from the other drive, I kept it because Windows' bootloader is on there and just copied the files from the Fedora EFI partition to the Windows EFI partition. Windows is booting fine but the GRUB bootloader isn't recognized by the UEFI. Do you know how to fix that?

Grub isnt my strong point, especially with windows. I dont think it plays well with windows if its using efi.

You could try reinstalling grub, or using something like bootctl (systemd-boot) which apparently does work with windows nicer.

Does the problem still occur with 4.10.x? (when you enable fastboot)

Thanks, I think I'll try out bootctl. According to the Arch Linux wiki it supports ZFS root installations

I have an Ivy Bridge CPU and enabling Fast Boot seems to be no problem.

I have problems using systemd boot. Do you know if it works if the /boot folder is inside my zpool? It can't find my vmlinuz and initramfs.

Once I'm off I'll give it a shot and report back. Also, I'm on a Haswell processor.

Fastboot works just fine now. It looks like that initial boot doesn't play nice with 4.10.11.

I"m dding a clone of this bad boy. Catch ya later.

@Eden - I need to be more specific about the "bug"/feature I've been experiencing. And have further information.

I made a mistake with my terminology and would like to be more accurate.

Fastboot has always been disabled on my machine (even prior to upgrade - running Fedora 23). This setting has persisted. The setting I toggled was the POST setting under "Power-on settings." I changed "QuickBoot" to "FullBoot" and the machine let me be past the kernel selection.

For the test you requested yesterday, I didn't enable fastboot, rather I toggled the POST value back to quickboot. I reset the machine twice and it worked. However, this morning when I came in and rebooted - after selecting Kernel 4.10.11 - I was sent straight to emergency mode. I attempted init 5, but it circled me right back into emergency mode. Both times I did get the "Fedora loading bubble" to appear, but I ended up in emergency mode.

I rebooted the machine with systemctl reboot and went into BIOS - toggled POST value to "Fullboot" and now I'm back in business.

That is more accurate.

I figured it out now. I read that it's possible to have to EFI partitions on one drive, so I created another one and installed GRUB on there. Now Windows and Linux on ZFS are booting and the nVidia drivers seem to work also. The only "problem" is that I get some ACPI errors during boot, which seem to cause no issues. I got those as soon as I installed updates on my fresh fedora installation. I added a picture below. You can ignore the noveau errors because those are gone now since I installed the nvidia drivers.

The Nvidia driver 381.22 on kernel 4.10.15 just does not work at all. I've checked everything I could. selinux update was recommended ( an issue with selinux not loading the module in 4.9.x might have carried over, but was fixed with an update to selinux ) but did not fix the issue either. Installing things one by one, and finding out where it breaks was helpful but I was only able to get to the desktop once then upon reboot received the Black screen. No command prompt no way to get to multi-user.target.

I am seriously disappointed and have basically wasted 2 days ( 18hrs ) on this. I still have my files since I have a separate /home and another drive but being able to use my system at full capacity is what I want.

Has anyone been successful at this?