What is your guy’s favorite movie scene? Mine is below.
Tears in rain
Ah man. There's so many, but here some of my favorite comedy scenes that immediately come to mind.
I like this scene from Terminator because it does not care about making it pg-13. I like to watch the terminator just blow away everybody.
Not a single scene. I love the avengers movie.
Don't know about my number one favourite, but this is definitely up there.
Probably this
the tears in the rain scene from Bladerunner posted above is high on my list too.
Schindler's List this one scene:
It's powerful. Gripping and tragic.
Speaking of nazi's...
well if its on youtube you can use the time-stamped share option, which will start the clip wherever you want, but this doesnt stop it at a certain point. I'd just give time stamps or if you really wanted to you could make a GIF :D
Too many :)
The Violent Kind
Last of the Mo'
Robocop (1 of many scenes)
T2 end
Pulp fiction
Aliens end scene
Hall being disconnected
Blade opening part 1
Blade opening part 2
Matrix 2
And so on....
Pulp Fiction
"Does he look like a b*tch?!"
I just watched Stripes the other day... WAY more nudity than I remember lol. Of course, there's a very real chance that I've only seen it on TV, plus it was the unrated version...
It makes me sad to think that something like this could have gone on in war with people turning on their own but it did. To use the word favorite movie scene I don't know but it is one of the most memorable I watched. It was absolutely heartbreaking. In fact I am watching it now and the music plus the video is giving me chills. This is from the movie Platoon.