Favorite childhood video game

Let's see. Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, GoldenEye 64, Starfox, Crusin World, Midtown Madness, Hellbender ( with Microsoft Sidewinder joystick),  Lemings (MS-DOS), Vigilante 8, Double Dragon, and probably some others I can't think of. I do not have a overall favorite as I played all these games a lot.

My first game was the original Zelda for the NES and I loved it, but as for my favorite game of all time it's definitely Ocarina of Time.

This is my fondest childhood memory. Playing Test Drive 5 with my grandpa's Windows 98 computer. So many hours spent racing trying to beat my bother's times. Ahhh, those were the days.

Mortal Combat on SNES, I was about five and played it with my brother, sister and mother who was a terrible winner.

I have to say the first PC game I ever played..... Jill of the Jungle


Used to love MM2! It didn't get much better that jumping the Golden Gate bridge with the Nitro-mod bus! Good call sir!

Wow! Hard question!

Having given it a very long thought, I'm going to say Day of the Tentacle. Amazing game!

Over the years I've emulated it on so many different machines. I miss this genre. Games like Gods Will Be Watching are cool, but it's not the same feel of Point-and-Click as this classic.

Virtua Fighter 2 - one of the first games I ever played on the Sega Saturn.  Still have it, somewhere.

And then Independence Day on the Saturn and Halo: Combat Evolved.  Cousin and I poured hours into both.  Maybe I need to go back and play them all...


Elite - Commodore 64


Lode runner 

Super Mario - of course 

and king of fighters on the gameboy and street fighter and a whole lof of fighting games that i don't remember. 

Test Drive 5, Driver and NFSII:SE, these are the games that I still enjoy playing after all these years

Let's see... age of empires 

I had it on the Spectrum, I owned a heap of games but once Elite came out I don't think I touched another game. To my knowledge it was the first open game. Everything before it told you how to play and what to do. Elite gave you the freedom to do what you wanted and go where you pleased. Granted you were flying a spaceship but you were fee to go and be whatever, trader, pirate, explorer, you had a great deal of freedom not seen before.

Mine are split into a few systems.


The original Myst, Tomb Raider I, Doom, Hexen, System shock, and Quake.

Sega CD:

Mansion of Hidden Souls; Sonic CD.




Starcraft broodwar

Spent many AA batteries on this game LOL

GTA San Andreas, warcraft 3, NFS Underground 2

Medal Of Honor Allied Assault. I played that game for literally years, the sound design was so amazing and the community was great. There was this one server called Crazy Mods where they completely screwed the game modes and maps by changing the rules and adding stuff in like props. Like around christmas the maps on Crazy Mods would have christmas trees with lights and boxes and shit. I wish I knew what happened to the guys that ran that server.