Does anyone know where I can source spare laptop parts?

I had a little incident with my sweet yoga, and now Lenovo has demanded a heavy price to return its soul. I’ll never play with voodoo again…

So, I’d like to fix it myself for much, it’s incredibly stupid how much, cheaper than what the Lenovo support team have quoted me. However, I’m having trouble sourcing the part. I’m primarily looking for a motherboard, and maybe a screen, depending on how I go for price. I have one on eBay, though the price still leaves something to be desired. I’m located in Australia, so local would be preferred, but anything that’ll ship here would be good enough. Thanks, anyone’s help would be appreciated.

P.S. based on the post of the damage, it seems completely absurd that a small little connection breakage should cost me such a large amount. I’d be kicking myself if it weren’t for the fact that that would impair my limbic functions.

eBay is your best bet TBH. You might get lucky and find something local but beyond that you’re not going to find a for this thing.


Is the GPU integrated into the motherboard ?

You could ask some local repairshops what it would cost to replace the ribbon connector, it probably won’t be cheap as they’re a bastard to replace, but far from impossible.

Search by part number. You need to remove each part and find the sourcing part number. You will find it far easier that way otherwise.

Yes, the gpu is an Intel igpu. I think I’ll make that my first option, followed up by sourcing a new motherboard from eBay.

get some wide packing tape, tape whole back of flex cable short of contacts and only the area working with (inch down?) this inch is now your working area, put in lock mark or otherwise note the area (count pins/ wires) not covered by latch, aluminum foil, fold that shit, make a paper fan zig zag or roll over on its self, your looking for adjustable thickness, once foil is just below latch and just inside of marked area tape over it making a raised area, the tape will not just drop down so make sure you have accounted for this in your foil being inside the area a bit. as long as the foil is covered by tape no worries.

place in lock, tape toothpick or 3 in triangle if need more.

foil bump presses flex cable contacts into connector, toothpick presses foil bump, laptop base presses toothpick.

fix all the things.

you are an ass, i have a yoga that is a literal Ship of Theseus at this point, everything save the motherboard and display (that i have broken and am looking for.)

  • keyboard
  • palm rest / touch pad
  • display backing (heat gun… event)
  • hinges

crushed a part of the digitizer and have just unplugged it for now (random input sometimes)

the link is 404.

EDIT: replaced the battery last year, forgot about that

I believe he made up the link name to make a point.

I also have a yoga. It’s a 710. I emailed Lenovo for a replacement charger and they are sending one to me with free shipping for 13$. I would try emailing them and seeing what they can do. If you haven’t already.

Also that’s not nice language.

please read it in playful tone

ill try them for a charger, im sure this thing has at least 2 more years left in it. i like to laptop in bed sometimes but my main charger (i have a smaller one i keep in my bag) is at my desk.

i would love a 3rd bed charger, hell if i had 4 i could have a couch charger too!.. ill ask for 2,maybe i could get 3 and have a work desk charger…

I’ll give your repair tips a go, once I can decipher your instructions. Otherwise it’ll have to be a new motherboard, though this is not my preferred option, so I’m going to try to fix it myself to the fullest extent.

Here is the the bill they sent me, it certainly isn’t any Van Gogh:

Wouldn’t the foil scramble the video signal coming from the motherboard? If the connector is not touching the specific pins they’re trying to reach, no signal is passed through to the cable. If the connector is connect to all of the other pins, then the signal would just travel in a wave like fashion across the foil, interacting with other signals, which would seemingly result in a scrambled message. Could someone please clarify?

i doubt it would be an issue but stacks of tape would work also, really anything you can layer to bridge the gap and add pressure with

like you know, valley girl tone, where the end of every sentence tones up like a question?