Distro for Semi-Advanced Users?

I did what it asked there, but it says that package plasma5 isn't available. I'm downloading OpenSUSE meanwhile.

Yeah unfortunatley fedora doesnt like to have plasma 5 right now... Yeah alright so when you install opensuse the best way to get plasma five is after you select you want a kde desktop you will come to software page and it has some links where your finalizing software.. you can go to the software link and actually change which packages are installed via their base.. and just select plasma5.. it works well.. but its wayland so no propritary drivers on plasma 5 sorry

So Plasma 5 is Wayland only?

Yes.. to my knwledge from reading there documentation SDDM defaults to wayland (which is kde 5's display manager) I am unsure if there is an X fallback.. im sure someone will correct me LOLS

Well, I'm using Plasma 5 on Ubuntu 14.10 with Nvidia drivers and it works... not very well, but it works :D

Well its probably running on X fall back.. like i said I am unsure... I know on Opensuse it defaults to wayland :D... Though I wouldnt bother with plasma 5 yet.. I would wait for a couple releases... it should be mature by then

Well, KDE with Plasma 5 is the only DE that satisfies my needs, so I won't wait.

Ahh well then your stuck together.. expect a bumpy ride for a while haha.. maybe you will be the first to let us know when it has all the quirks worked out

I'm installing OpenSUSE right now, I chose KDE but in the system summary it says that it will install KDE4 and there is no KDE5 appearing.

thats because you need to click on that summary and go into software to install area and edit it to be plasma 5.. or you can do it in yast after the install

Okay, OpenSUSE broke when I installed it and Fedora still can't find the package. I better just wait till F22...

LOLS.. well suse is extremely recoverable.. just run yast and uninstall plasma 5... then manually install gnome via zypper :D.. and you should be working again :D Also you can speed up zypper downloads via a guide I wrote using aria2c.. have fun... its way faster than delta RPM on fedora from my findings

You don't have to, but using certain distributions involve a certain understanding for Linux. If all you do is use distribution that has a lot of UI tools you use instead of the shell then you're not really learning Linux. Not that there is anything wrong with using GUI tools, but you learn little Linux from it compared to using the shell.