Den-Fi's Tech-ish Blog

That looks like an image from a horror movie and the description is very fitting.

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I asked them to put it back together for you lol.

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You got me interested there - it has tons of features I don’t need, but with any luck will be less painful to configure than Terminator, which I’m using now. It’s so rare to find a terminal emulator supporting splits.

Yeah. It’s also just nice to use the same program on every platform so that muscle memory is as efficient as possible.

That’s actually something that help d me go through the WFH transition: I treated Windows as an entertainment OS and Linux as a work/project OS. The lines have blurred the past few months, because I broke My Windows install and started gaming under Linux.

The internals of the PiKVM.
I didn’t feel the need to pull it apart to the same degree as the TinyPilot since it’s just two boards and one is the Pi lol.


One of my biggest gripes about the Unifi Dashboard is how it prioritizes looking cool in screenshots. It’s all modern and looks super useful, but all of the stats are pretty much wrong lol. It’s got Windows icons for Linux machines, gave up on guessing OS identities in another section, and the traffic overview is laughable. The APs and switching hardware are good, but the software leaves a lot to be desired. The urge to return to pfSense is strong.


I run PFsense at home and UniFi for residential and small business clients that don’t need any fancy routing or are moving a lot of data. The remote management is really hard to beat.

Portainer is one of those thing I update very infrequently. I don’t use more than a fraction of its features since I like to be more hands-on with my containers. Though, had I started container life w/ Portainer, I likely would be using it exclusively.

That bit of backstory is to say, I had NO idea it was dark mode capable (w/o external extensions), and that was one of my largest reasons for neglecting it. I was helping a friend set it up and when I accessed the WebUI I thought she had Dark Reader enabled lol. This is great and I will definitely use it more often. It’s nice for monitoring container health and quick access to both simple and complex functions.

Projects mentioned in this post:

Whats the association with Dragon Ball?

Oh, nothing. I just picked a random image to use as the Portainer logo so that I wouldn’t mix it up w/ the test environment I was teaching myself on at the time (a few years ago). Just never changed it back. Guess I got used to it lol.

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A benefit of the PiKVM I hadn’t considered at purchase is the ease re-installing the OS on my laptop. Given my Galaxy Book Pro 360 has literally 2 ports, I plugged my Lenovo multiport dongle in, mounted an ISO via the PiKVM, and off I went.




The insanity that is Ubiquiti devices trying to send analytics home.
Something you can’t turn off much like M$ telemetry.

I’ve had it blocked for a while, but the sheer volume of requests has ballooned and I’m not sure why. It drives me nuts seeing that much noise (it’s roughly 50% more than what’s pictured since I run dual Pi-Holes).


Snippet box has really come in handy lately. I decided to change over from Manjaro to openSUSE Tumbleweed on my laptops and desktops, and being able to oganize and copy/paste things is super nice. You can also document instructions as well.

I like it over some other options mainly because I will only ever use it internally, so not needing to login really speeds things up.


Also… I will NEVER get tired of Wobbly Windows not even all these years and years later lol.


Wobbly Windows are the best.


It almost annoys me that it isn’t on by default lol.
Every time someone sees it over my shoulder or something, it’s always a hoot.

Not a big surprise really… But that is good information indeed.




GTA V run pretty darn well on openSUSE Tumblweed.