Crypto Mega-Thread [A.K.A Cryptocurrency mining isn't for hobbyists and Ethereum's terrible]

So, has anyone else noticed that the whole crypto market has slightly dropped? My keen eyes discovered a small dip and something else:

As we can clearly see, BTC formed a Friendly Btrontosaurus Rex Pattern, so it’s time to buy

Sorry, I just had to share this with you guys :smiley:


Some interesting new mining tech coming out recently…

Thoughts on stuff like this ??

Sure… it isnt going to make you rich overnight… But an interesting idea given most people leave their wifi kit running near constantly anyway…

Not sure it’s worth burning up a router for a couple of bucks in potential revenue.

The one who cannot be named has made a decent video in a long time. I agree with him this time.

I Have system setup of Intel Celeron Processor, Gigabite Motherboard 5 th Generation and NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1050 Ti Graphics Card . What is Hashrate can I get in XMR and ZCash mining ???

Is there any problem can be happened to draw the mining reward through an legitimate exchange ???

It probably is easier than daytrading.

  • Get some data on exchange rate on some currency
  • find out how to mine it
  • figure out how much power per hashrate the equipment uses
  • if (exchangerate > energy cost + purchase price){commit}

And: Plan before doing, don´t do and then bodge.



It’s been awfully quiet in this thread the last couple of months… So, anyone using this discount period to stock up on coins?

Have you profited trading Ripple? I haven’t :smiley:

Anyone traded/profited on Nano? I recently purchased a “couple” of coins.

I’d be interested in what you guys are trading/hodling at the moment and what you think of the general market situation :wink:

Dont fuck with GPU pricing. Best of wishes with your cold wallets. Live ones get hacked.

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Haven’t done anything crypto-related in the last 6 or so months. After the winter I used my leftover satoshis to buy some small parts for one of my rigs, I now have like $50 left.

I did put my old mining cards back in my old HAF X case and connected them to my secondary rig’s motherboard. That puts that rig at 3x1070 and a 1060 3GB. I’ll start mining with those again once the temperatures drop. Most cost-effective way to heat the PC room.
In the spring I’ll probably use the generated coins to buy some PC parts again. Those cards already paid for themselves, my screens, my main rig’s 1080Ti, my case fans, my NVMe drive etc etc.

It’s always a good idea to put Cryptos in cold storage, as large funds on platforms like Binance create these bart-charts we are suffering from the last months.

That being said, right now I’m trying the Celsius Networks, which pays weekly interest for holding your Cryptos.

Winter’s over. I made little over 200€ in BTC (on Nicehash) this winter, the total cost of electricity was around 700€. Fortunately I use electricity to heat my room anyway, which means I’d have spent that 700€ using a space heater if it weren’t for my mining rig. So it’s free electricity really.
Spent almost all of my BTC at Caseking last night. I now have exactly 1.00€ in crypto left. A good time to get out.
As much as I still think that crypto would make perfect sense as a mainstream payment method, BTC wasn’t suitable thanks to its “proof of work” system. Oh, and large-scale miners and investors completely ruined the public’s perception of crypto, which doesn’t help either.

Keeping the “free” electricity in mind, as well as the fact that I had a spare PC to begin with, my only investment in mining consisted of 3 GPUs (two 1070s, a 1060 3G), a PSU to feed them and 3 riser cards to connect them to my old rig’s motherboard. I spent 1500€ on all that.
All the crypto was spent on PC parts, for a total of just over 3500€.
That’s 2000€ in the black, plus whatever I can now sell the cards and risers for. I can’t complain about that.

I remember way back when Bitcoin was something like $150 or $200…I looked into the ASICS thing pretty closely. Butterfly Labs among several options. What a filthy scam. They’d take your money and then delay delivery while they used the unit you’d bought to mine coin, then when almost all the profit was sucked out of it 6 months to a year later, THEN they’d send it to you.

And then there was that bitcoin exchange in Japan that just stole $30 million of people’s bitcoins.

Like Bobby Fischer once said; “everybody wants something for nothing”.

People still interested in Cryptos here or has it died down for you guys currently?

Edit: Since this is a Mega-Thread, necroing is allowed, isn’t it?

I wish it would have been worthwhile in the last years but at 0,35USD/kWh cryptocurrencies would have to become much more valuable before I can start mining.

Totally forgot that these things can be mined as well when I wrote this post :laughing:
I was talking about trading actually, but yeah I think mining for the average Joe has pretty much died…

Began trading again Dec 2019. This year will make or break me financially (for another 4 years or so, at least)

PS: on the upside, it appears demand for old mining cards are coming back :smiley:

I remember the first Bitcoins I purchased…back then I payed 200$ for one of them :smiley: - good times :smiley: - I didn’t keep any of them though.
I re-started trading back in 2017 and never stopped since. It’s a fun experience :slight_smile:

Don’t put more into it than you can afford to lose :wink:

Anyway, which projects are you excited about?

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Over the years I have had friendly competitions with folks. Sometimes with a buddy, more recently with one of my brothers, on how well we do BTC/USD wise.

My buddy and my brother are super active day traders. They check in a few times an hour with alarms to wake them up at night if the market does something funky. They pour energy and time and stress into gaining the market any way they can.

I am sitting on 0.39. I have not made a single trade in years. Thus far, I am still ahead of both of them in terms of dollars spent and value gained. Team HODL FTW.