Core 2 Duo idle temperature problem

i have a e7200, stock clock... its at 55/45 idle... is this normal?

are you using stock HSF? and 45 might be fine for the stock fan but 55 no

yeah, im using the stock heatsink, 55 is for core 0...

i was overclocking for a bit, up to 3ghz, thats 0.5 ghz increase... (i later found out BIOS readings were false, cores were getting up in the high 70s)... could that affect whats happening now? i reset the cmos...

reapply thermal compound, clean off your heatsink from dust, what I did, my temps dropped. I'm not using stock cooler though.

put back to stock speeds the Bios is always hotter then it really is. NEVER OC with stock heatsink

okay... ill do this...

how hot/cold is your area?

before i got the heat back in my room and my 4870, my q6600 temps were in the single digits ºC to low 20's. now it's in the 30ºC's on average getting as low as 20ºC.

then again, you're using a stock heatsink, i have a $50 zerotherm nirvana.

oh wait... thats a good point, i have a heater blowing in my face...

damn good idea, my house is sooo cold right now ima check my temps

edited previous post, just so you don't really think anything is wrong.

29c on stock heatsink right now!!!!!

and my GPU is at 35! usually idles at like 45

runnin' p95... seeing how it goes.

okay then... core 0 can't seem to decide on whether it likes 57/58... core 2 is a little more drastic, can't decide between 52 and 54.

Full load?

Get a better heatsink. Stock intel fans are shit.

> i have a e7200, stock clock... its at 55/45 idle... is this normal?

>okay then... core 0 can't seem to decide on whether it likes 57/58... core 2 is a little more drastic, can't decide between 52 and 54.

how did the temps of the first core only go up a couple degrees when doing prime 95 on stock heatsink? lol

MeGotRice wrote 1 minute ago »

Get a better heatsink. Stock intel fans are shit.

I've heard good things about the stock phenom coolers

^because AMD rules and Intel doesn't :P

the_timonator wrote 1 minute ago »

MeGotRice wrote 1 minute ago »

Get a better heatsink. Stock intel fans are shit.

I've heard good things about the stock phenom coolers

good things about stock... lol