Comcast just told me that data bandwidth caps for all is happening

Looks like me and Comcast/"xfinity" are gonna have some problems from the start. Moving from a 75/75 FiOS connection in my parents house to a comcrap connection in an apartment. I also want to use a Motorola 6141 and my own Asus dark Knight router flashed with tomato. We gonna have some issues I can already tell. 😛

When compared to Comcast, I'm starting to like Time Warner:

From My TWC service and why I both hate and love it

I don't have a data cap (at least not currently), but I'm paying a somewhat large price for this. If they introduce a data cap, I'll have to choose between speed cap. It will simply lower the U.S.'s rank on global internet even more. It's so sad that these companies seem to be a little unpatriotic (they are responsible the U.S.'s low rank on that list) and are so greedy that they don't believe that they can ever make too much money.

I think its about time someone kickstarted an ISP in with the sole purpose of putting comcast out of business.

Sounds ridiculous, but at this point I don't think we can rely on the government to actually do their jobs.

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There's someone in the forums who said he was going to start up a local ISP in their town. Maybe we could convince him, or somebody else in the forums to try it. Would be cool if someone from the community put down commie-cast.


That would be epic.

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It even wouldn't take much. If Google really wanted the market, they just need to mass expand. lay the fiber as quickly as possible and roll out deals for the first week on whatever town they start up in and comcast would shrivel up and die. In the business of being an ISP, its not a battle on who can provide the best service, its who can bend their customers over the farthest without making too much uproar.


Funny PodCast about/ involving Comcast :D

I saw this on Reddit the other day. What a scam, even if you don't need 300 GB it's the principle of the thing that is so infuriating. My goal in the next couple years is to live in a Google Fiber city, or somewhere that has setup a municipal ISP.

Fuck Comcast, and fuck Google (but I love Google, I hate that I love them).

Comcast will hear my wrath if this cap ever goes into effect in my area!

This is why I picked up Frontier in near portland. As far as I know they don't have any of these plans, but they likely do. You can still rent out my condo Logan :D

That is one of the reasons Seattle has been almost impossible. Almost every place we look at has 5 mb/s internet (I like being in the woods). The places with internet all have Comcast.

In Portland there are usually options. The last several places we have looked at all have 2-3 different options for gigabit. So far ahead.

Business class? Dammit this is kinda a necro I got suckered in.

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Oh ffs I didnt look at the date stamp either lol.

Its ok @Logan did it too.


Just cause

All of us Comcast customers are doomed. May god have mercy on us all. God bless the syndicate.

Don't live so far into the woods that you have to get satellite. Currently have that problem. I have a 50GB cap with 5mbps down and .5-1 up. Ping is around 700, so online gaming isn't possible unless you like chess via email. Your usage for February in the first post would cost me around $5000 CAD.

Damnit! I got a notification and fired a response... nooooo.


Whoever necro'ed this for shame. Shit now I'm necroing it


logan, get the kid in town that knows you and has an unmetered connection and have him put an anntena on the top of his house and have him beam internet into your house, and then make a video on that so that you can live of in the woods and get that fast internet

edit: if linus can think about doing it, you can have wendell duck tape some spliced ethernet cable to tin foil and make it run on open source software and get your gigabit that way