Choice between 4 different headphones

Hey guys.
Next salary (November 10-th) I decided to finally get myself some decent headphones.
So looking around, I found those 4 models, that are basically the same price.
My main use will be on my Sony Xperia smartphone listening to music. Have fairly decent surround sound system home, so I will never use headphones… So it will be outside use…




I will not say my personal preference for looks, so it will not change people’s answers…

I cannot speak for the other models.
But the Sennheiser HD201 in my opinion isn't the greatest headphone out there.
Of course its cheap and it still has a okay sound quality, but the HD202-II in my opinion for a few bucks more has a better base and overall more volume.
The HD202-II doesnt have the most fancy build quality.
But yeah its ofc cheap.

But of those listed in your op, probably the Audio technica or Superlux.

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A good friend of mine who has spent way too much on audio equipment says these are great for the money, and I would go with his opinion and buy them if I was in the same boat as you.

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Except for the fact that these are open-back headphones, but the OP specified he is planning on using them outdoors with his phone. That being the case, I wouldn't recommend any of these since none are necessarily portables in the strictest sense of the word.

To be honest, I wouldn't go with any of these choices. Seeing as how you're on a budget, I would look at something like the Monoprice 8324; unfortunately, there aren't a lot of decent portables in the $30 price range.

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I highly recommand the beyerdynamic dt 770. They have a closed-back so you can listen to them without annoying others. The build quality is really good and they sit very comfortably. I hope this helps you.

HD201 are awful.

The Beyerdynamic DT 770s are in a completely different price bracket. They're also not at all portables, given their size, their fixed cable, and their relatively low efficiency.

Those are like 10 times over any of the other choices...

Not imported in my country. I rather not deal with international shipping...

Glad I didn't share my personal preference, because I was basically going to buy 201, but decided to ask here before purchasing...

Honestly, I am hearing a lot of good things about Superlux... The thing is, they don't really look like something I rather walk around with.
And I don't want earbuds. I already have my Sony's, and they are fine, but I want something more solid as both sound and build quality...

Anyways, if you have any other recommendations, go for it... I am still unsure. Actually I am sure it will not be the Sennheiser 201...

I have the 201's and they cost me about €20. For even that price there has to be better! I don't have any recommendations to make around this price range other than don't get the 201's. Sorry I can't be more helpful!

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I recently boaght the Sennheiser HD202-II
It was cheap at arround €35,- but it has a good sound quality for the music that i mainly listen.
But its still a matter of personal preference.
In my opinion the HD202-II was by far the best sounding headphones that the shop had for under €50,- price mark.
But of course there wasnt realy that much choice.
Best way is go to a shop and listen.

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Absolutely no way to do that. I am getting different offers from different places.
One of them is online shopping portal, basically comparing prices, like pcpartpicker, the other one is music store, online only...
I may be able to find HD202 II second hand for around 25€, which is perfectly satisfactory for my pocket. Of course, I rather buy new, than second hand if possible, but that all depends on the deal...

At the end of the day i'll just get those, for the simple reason nobody knows anything about them, therefore nobody said anything bad about them :D

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I agree with this, and it's comfy as hell too.

The same reason i don't get the Sennheiser HD202-II... They are like twice the price of the original budget...
I don't really want to spend like 40Euro on headphones... 20-25 i'm fine with that. I have way better uses for 40...
If i find a sale or something - OK, but new - no... Out of my budget...
PS Why did you deleted your post?

I realised you wanted something for portable use,they are too big for that.You would look silly with them,681 are too big also.Why you dont try VE Monk+? Ive replaced my IEM with them.

They look interesting.

Let us know how they sound.

Headphones are a matter of taste and personal preference. It's nearly impossible to buy without testing first. One man's garbage is another man's gold. Can't you go to a place where they have a lot of headphones to try out, like a huge musical instruments megastore or something?

No... The techno stores have everything in their boxes and no test samples, if i can use that word...
And even if they had samples, they carry like "Sony, Panasonic, Samsung, Bla Bla Bla" and nothing specific. The music stores are tiny. The city i live is barely 200 000 population.
Online is the way to get anything decent...

Mkay... New development.
If you look at the OP, i mentioned there the

Now i found a "sale" and ordered Audio-Technca ATH-T300, that usually cost around 40 euro, i got them for 18...
The higher class model for a bit lower price.
Anyways, be back in Thursday with the update about the sound quality and everything else...

I'll be interested to know what you think of em!