Call of Duty gaming community points to ‘swatting’ in deadly Wichita police shooting

The american gene pool has long since gone full retard. This shit happens all the time. The officer will probably be prosecuted.

Naturally, but since ‘he was just doing his job’ nothing will come of it.

No I garuntee he’ll get tossed. This sorta shit has tightened the noose, possibly this one specifically.

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It’s funny tho, who even aims for the head? It’s the smallest part of the body, plus when you shoot the purpose isn’t to kill but disable.

Cunt thought that he was funny and ok when he did that huh?

Some people online really need to know when to fuck off. Between this, Charlottesville parents getting hate mail, Pizzagate, and Sandy Hook parents getting hate mail, yeah, social media is taken too far.

You aim a firearm at someone with the intent to kill them. You aim for center mass, the " kill box". There is no such thing as shoot to injure.

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That’s a load of hogwash and cheap justification for killing people.

You can shoot and not kill, it’s called self control, something not too many people have these days.

Tell us more about your knowledge of police tactics.

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I ain’t no expert at police work but I know not to impulsively act on attack mode, especially if the situation doesn’t require it.

I know not to stomp on a teenager’s face like a prick, there is another thing that is even more uncalled for. Good thing I wasn’t there or I be behind bars, cause my instincts would have kicked in.

I know not to kill the person running away or pleading for mercy. No reason for that.

Cops are suppose to be trained for these things, they should know better than me, I shouldn’t have to explain it.

There is a difference between being a cop and being a murderer.

that someone had an argument with their mother, that the father had been shot in the head and the shooter was holding his mother, brother and sister hostage.

the situation required it, even if this information was incorrect its what they were told and police cant be omniscient and tell “oh its a joke”

Police can pay attention to surroundings a little bit better, they noticed nothing odd? Maybe shoot and ask questions later isn’t the only solution. Either that or this false information was very persuasive.

I ain’t blaming the cops here in this situation, it’s the two assholes that took a video game too fucking serious that is ultimately the ones responsible for pulling this sick joke. People need to lighten up badly.

I usually don’t draw conclusions lightly but it sounds like you haven’t got military or even defensive training, not judging but just saying.

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They said one round was released by officers after the 28-year-old failed to comply with verbal orders to keep his hands up, and appeared to move his hands toward his waist multiple times.

I’ve read other news stories like this before—unarmed person somehow makes the police think they’re armed, police shoot. Kinda understandable when you put it that way. I wish I knew why he didn’t keep his hands up, it’s such a shame.

I remember once reading that police are trained to use firearms to kill, and only to kill. Shooting someone with the intent to disable but not kill can easily kill the target anyway, and can also injure or kill bystanders (what if they miss, or a bullet ricochets?). So if you don’t want to kill, don’t use the gun, and if you have to use the gun, you’ve accepted that your aim is to kill. Not a police officer myself, though, and the post I read years ago on the internet may have never been veritable to begin with. Still strange he was shot in the head, though. I don’t think that’s normal for police.

No one trained in firearms usage is trained to injure. The intent upon firing is to stop the threat.

Whether this poor guy constituted a viable threat is a different argument and will quite likely be investigated, and the local police district will probably be required to pay out a substantial settlement in a wrongful death suit.

just fli, I will pay everyone $50 not to turn this into a “”""“debate”"""" thread.

I like money, do I get paid for just not posting anything?

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Yes. You do.

In America you shoot until the threat stops. In most cases that’s until death. If you shoot to injure here they will ask you if it was even required to shoot at all. It’s fucked up but that is the state of things, and has been for a while.

Standard practice is to do a ‘double tap’ to eliminate a hostile. One to the heart, one to the head.

I’m not sure what the rules on engagement for SWAT team at that time was though. Even though the officer was just doing his job, if he wasn’t following the RoE then he can be found guilty.

@Adubs @Dynamic_Gravity
Death is permanent, that’s why it’s a sensitive subject. Plus cultures are different I understand that, but people are still the same with same kinds of mentality. Idk either what practices the American SWAT teams follow (would be great to learn or share experiences) but all one can do is wonder how come killing and eliminating means the same thing.